ARES/ACS Supports 2019 Marine Corps Air Station Miramar Air Show
More than 50 Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) and Auxiliary Communication Service (ACS) volunteers donated some 500 hours of their time to support public safety at the MCAS Miramar Air Show — the largest in the US — on September 27 – 29 in San Diego, California. Miramar served as the shooting location for the 1986 film Top Gun.
Performances by the US Navy Blue Angels and the British Royal Air Force Red Arrows drew large crowds that strained anxious public safety services at the annual event.
Working daily 12-hour shifts, ARES operators continuously patrolled the crowds looking for air show guests in distress with heat exhaustion or lost family members, while ACS hams liaised with law enforcement agencies and kept information flowing between agencies. High noise levels from low-flying aircraft were challenging.
During a barbecue break, volunteers compared notes about whose noise-cancelling headphones worked best, as well as how to secure the transceiver connections and to avoid open mikes. — Thanks to Dave Kaltenborn, N8KBC,via The ARRL ARES E-Letter