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Amateur Radio Quiz: Historically Speaking

10/02/2008 1) What was the call sign of the ARRL club station before W1AW?
a. 1AW
b. W1HPM
c. W1MK
d. NU1AW

2) QST was first published in what year?
a. 1912
b. 1915
c. 1917
d. 1919

3) When was the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) founded?
a. 1918
b. 1925
d. 1934
d. 1945

4) Who helped Hiram Percy Maxim create the ARRL?
a. Clarence Tuska
b. John Huntoon
c. Clinton DeSoto
d. Edwin Armstrong

5) Who established the ARRL Outgoing QSL Bureau?
a. W1CW
b. W2PV
c. W1YL
d. W4KFC

6) Who managed the DXCC program's conversion to a computerized system?
a. W1CW
c. W3AZD
d. K5FUV

7) In what year did QST change to its current 8-1/2"×11" format?
a. 1969
b. 1976
c. 1980
d. 1981

8) Who manages the ARRL VEC?
a. Maria Somma, AB1FM
b. Ed Hare, W1RFI
c. Dave Sumner, K1ZZ
d. Mark Wilson, K1RO

9) State the frequency for W1AW 40 meter CW bulletins.

10) Which ARRL award was signed by "The Old Sock?"
a. First Class Operators Club -- FOC
c. Rag Chewers Club -- RCC
d. Brass Pounders League -- BPL

11) Name the newest ARRL section.

12. What is the most popular ARRL operating event?
a. November Sweepstakes
b. Simulated Emergency Test
c. Field Day

13) Name the fictitious author of April Fool's QST articles in the 1960s.
a. Hashafisti Scratchi
b. Larsen E. Rapp, WIOU
c. Manila Slim
d. Curmudgeon U. Heterodyne

14) The Wouff Hong is made from _________ and the Rettysnitch is made from _________.

15) A 1922 QST headline asked the printer to get out all of his exclamation points because "We Got Across." Across what?

Bonus -- The publication of QST has only been suspended once. Why?



1. c
2. b -- December 1915 was the first issue of QST -- the December Radio Relay Bulletin
3. b
4. a
5. a
6. d
7. b
8. a
9. 7047.5 kHz
10. c -- Awarded for long QSOs
11. West Central Florida (WCF)
12. c -- Field Day regularly attracts more than 30,000 hams to the airwaves around the US and Canada.
13. b -- Larsen's articles were so good that you had to look extra hard to be sure they were April Fools. The entire WIOU archives are available online here.
14. Wood and Iron
15. The Atlantic Ocean -- the first successful one-way transatlantic test in 1921. The article appeared in the January 1922 issue of QST.

Bonus -- World War I, which nearly ended Amateur Radio, as well.



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