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Amateur Radio at the National Association of Broadcasters Convention


The ARRL will be promoting Amateur Radio at the annual convention of the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) -- NAB Show -- scheduled for April 6-11 in at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Members of the Las Vegas Radio Amateurs Club (LVRAC) will staff the ARRL booth at NAB, providing attendees with information about Amateur Radio. The booth also serves as a meeting place for radio amateurs attending the convention where they can talk with local leaders, as well as ARRL Pacific Division Director Bob Vallio, W6RGG. Arrangements for the ARRL booth are being provided by NAB Science & Technology Vice President John Marino, KR1O.

“We encourage all radio amateurs who will be attending NAB Show to bring a handheld transceiver, as they may use the 146.940 MHz repeater located in the Las Vegas Hotel and Casino,” said LVRAC President Jerry Sobel, K0MBB. “Several people at the booth usually monitor this machine for ‘talk-in,’ providing directions to exhibits and general information.”

LVRAC will also host a special monthly meeting and program on April 9 at a local restaurant. “NAB hams are invited to come by and visit,” Sobel said. “Please RSVP at the ARRL booth, as space might be limited. Depending on availability, LVRAC members will be providing transportation.” Directions to the restaurant are available on the LVRAC website.

The convention will also feature a special Amateur Radio “drop-in” session -- hosted by Bob Heil, K9EID – from 6-8 PM on Wednesday, April 10 at the LVH Hotel in Las Vegas. This will be the eighth year that Heil has hosted this event, which draws hundreds of hams.




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