Alexanderson Alternator Station SAQ Hails “Incredible” Number of Listener Reports
Sweden’s Alexanderson Alternator station SAQ says it received 438 listener reports — “an incredible amount” — for its June 30 Alexanderson Day transmissions. The list included five reports from the US and three from Canada. The historic electro-mechanical transmitter, which dates back to the 1920s, is fired up periodically throughout the year on 17.2 kHz.
“We are very thankful for all your enthusiastic and positive feedback, with images, recordings, videos, and even Morse ink writer strips,” SAQ said. The station is a World Heritage Site in Grimeton, Sweden.
SAQ’s June 30 message commemorated the 100th anniversary of the first east-to-west transatlantic voice transmission from the Marconi station in Ireland to Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. SAQ has posted an interactive map showing the locations of all received listener reports from recent transmissions, including the June 30 transmission, and video of the Alexanderson Day transmission event has been posted to its YouTube channel.