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Grant Application

Grant Application Form

Grant proposals are accepted from:

  • February 1 - February 28
  • June 1 - June 30
  • October 1 - October 31

All proposals will be reviewed by the Grant Committee at the close of each cycle. Once the Committee agrees on the proposals to fund, they will be sent to the full Foundation Board for a formal vote. Awardees will be notified approximately one month after the closing of each cycle.

Thank you for your interest.

250 words or less, include audience, duration, location

250 words or less-outcomes for org, community and Amateur Radio

250 words or less - Please describe the amateur radio community (clubs and/or individuals) and non-ham stakeholders you have partnered with to reduce risk and maximize project success

250 words or less - Please describe the short (12-24 month) and long (2+ years) term impact you foresee if this project is established with ARRL Foundation funding. How do you believe this project will remain sustainable and grow/expand over the same time

IMPORTANT: Preference given to organizations conducting local fund raising;Include source, date, amount, purpose for local grants

Date, amount and purpose for each

include call sign if applicable

include call sign if applicable

include call sign if applicable

include call sign if applicable

include area code

This amount should be included in the full project budget amount

Upload excel file of grant request amount

Explain equip, training, printed material and misc in 250 words or less


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