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ARES Organizational Structure May 24th 2019, 14:56 1 7,282 on 24/5/19

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ICS AUXCOMM vs. ARES and others KJ4ZIH on 19/8/20
Does an EC have a fiduciary responsibility to the ARRL and/or ARES members?
For that matter, does an SEC or SM have a fiduciary responsibility to the ARRL and/or Section membership?

Correct me if I am wrong, but ARES membership is not a requirement for AUXCOMM training. They keep their own database from which they can activate individuals independent of ARES thus indicating they are a separate entity.

AUXCOMM subjugates ARES and all other organizations under its umbrella. That subjugation crosses over from training to an agenda that creates a political dichotomy when you have a government entity that is dictating to an NGO/ARRL ARES its agenda.

I have noticed that that subjugation includes RACES. If government has indeed created another entity that it can activate when needed independent of FCC requirements that RACES is under, does that mean it has successfully sidestepped the FCC? Lending credence to that idea is that I have noticed that some areas in the country have done away with RACES since they now have AUXCOMM.

What think ye?


Do the Section Managers of ARRL Have a Code of Ethics AA4EZ on 24/6/19
I have had similar questions. There appears to be no check and balance on the Section level. The easy answer would be to say that the ballot box is the check and balance. What if the voting members are being duped and lulled into a sense of “all is well” by what appears to be above board but in actuality is not? What if they are not aware of conflicts of interest or unethical behavior? How do you respond to “The ARRL is aware of that and approved it.”? What is the recourse to confirm such declarations?
ARES Organizational Structure N7PAT on 24/5/19
I see different organizational structures being used in my Section for ARES. I would like to explore the different perspectives on that.
Hence, my first question, is ARES a top down or bottom up structure, And why?

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