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The Meter Jan 7th 2016, 23:49 4 7,550 on 20/1/16

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The Meter rrw1220 on 20/1/16
Yes I have a manual, so the upper scale shows me the plate current in mA's, with the selector switch is in the IP position and sending. The ALC is obviously the lowest scale and read with the switch in the ALC position. RF, while transmitting the meter will deflect to the right but there is no meter scale in this position, it just shows relative output. While in the HV position it shows me the high voltage from the power supply while transmitting. Correct? On RF it says use the RF Volt to adjust, I'm assuming that is the Carrier Level knob?
The Meter rrw1220 on 7/1/16
Hello all, I'm new to ham, studying for the license, trying to get to know my Kenwood TS-820S the best I can before I can actually communicate on it. I would appreciate a short course on the meter of the rig. Maybe a brief description of the different functions. Thanks in advance!

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