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VoIP Echolink Contacts | Dec 28th 2012, 17:09 | 8 | 10,850 | on 28/2/13 |
Remote HF Stations QSL Card | Dec 28th 2012, 17:04 | 3 | 8,693 | on 17/1/14 |
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VoIP Echolink Contacts | N6INMGLENN | on 1/1/13 |
Hi Martin...Although the "Relay" aspect of ARRL is largely obsolete for most of us. but yes the National Traffic System, which is definitely a Relay operation is one entity that does not justify the continuing use of Relay in my opinion when the fact remains the internet is taking over how we communicate today as a society .) Although Relay is in our name because that's an important part of our history, from 1914 history needs to be aligned with today's technology. If the awards are supposed to reflect a high degree of operating skill, persistence, etc.really what skill is needed when you have stacked mono banders with a 1KW linear and being able to work anyone you want to when the little guy gets stomped on because some operators never allow the small guy to work a rare station then add antenna restrictions and politics you have the operator with a dipole in their attic at a disadvantage. What kind of skill is it when the big stations drown you out in a pile up? Lets face it propagation will never be what it was when one could work the world on a "coat hanger" with 10 watts or less.. Internet tunneled QSOs are "easy" but I have to disagree that there is real skill involved when we are at the mercy of propagation..propagation is based on the sunspot number, A-index and K-index...It has nothing to do with skill. Propagation is good when there is a high SFI and a Low A index and K index anyone can work the world practically anywhere knowing that 20 meters is a night band in the summer and 15 and 10 are good for the winter like 40 meters at night for the winter. It doesn't take a lot of skill to know that and skill are not so much part of the process when you are at the mercy of the sunspot cycle. Yes the world is changing. And as you said new modes are coming along rapidly, and hams have a lot more operating choices. The old modes are still very lively, however, even when sunspots are at minimum only the big operators with the biggest antennas and power get through which frustrates many hams..I have met many I think HF is one mode of Ham comms and still has its place but there is innovation and new challenges that bring out the smartest and brightest technical experts to enhance our reach back capability that does not necessarily compete with the traditions but complement one another...HF and HF Remoting as an example..The hams that won't agree are those who refuse to step into the 21st Century.and not wish to take the time to understand technology as it would not necessarily take away the spirit of HF Comms because most of us enjoy HF. But take that and think of ways to extend the HF reachback capability to enhance its coverage (through HF remoting as an example) when we are facing a low sunspot cycle that will never be what it was in the past..Good Points made Martin and hopefully we will see some change here..73's and Happy New Year to you too |
Remote HF Stations QSL Card | N6INMGLENN | on 30/12/12 |
These rules need amending as we are now in the 21st Century. As antenna restrictions become more severe throughout the country, remotecontrolled stations like these offer a viable alternative for enjoying Amateur Radio. The FCC Recognizes it and FCC Part 97.3(a)(12) and (38) dealing with the definition of “control operators” and “remote operation explains it and allowed. So what's the problem? Why can't the ARRL recognize remote stations? DXCC Rule 9 allows remote operation, it requires that the operator of any station be located in the same DXCC entity is ridiculous and not in touch with currently technology and is not taking a step in the 21st Century. HF remotes are growing...Echolink is growing and ILRP. If the ARRL cant honor new innovations for DXCC then change the leagues name from the ARRL to the AARL (American Amateur Radio League) Because Relay or remoting is not recognized for awards or technological innovation. Understand that some DXers feel that the difficulty of working DX is greater in some parts of the US than others.and the small guy suffers. What about hams that are disabled or in rest homes that want to work DX and use the remote HF stations over their computers and be qualified for awards? They are at a disadvantage too.. The rules for DXCC need to be looked at and would like to know who is the ultimate decision maker when it comes to the rules? I have rejoined ARRL last week after many years not being a member due to my decreased activity in the hobby. But something needs to change here if we are to set the standards for innovation and the state of the art technology within the Amateur Communications community and for newcomers to the hobby....73's |
VoIP Echolink Contacts | N6INMGLENN | on 30/12/12 |
Hi....yes totally understand about not go over the air but the ARRL and hams that are adamant about the airway issue is the fact that the bands are not improving and experts have claimed we won't see the high sunspot numbers probably again in 20 plus years or more. Maybe ARRL needs to drop the third letter R for Relay in their name because they are focused for awards over the air only. Echolink and ILRP does not get the credit it deserves and should be given some kind of award for such. Not only is this not keeping the pace of technology, it is a narrow focus with innovation and new "modes" to communicate in the 21st Century. HF is only one mode and not entirely reliable especially for the small operator who can not put up large antennas etc and can't compete with the bigger stations. Nothing more frustrating when a rare DX station calls and the little guy gets stomped on my someone with a 1KW Linear and a Mono Bander and drowns out the small operator. Also when you put things in perspective, the ionosphere is a relay or a natural repeater made by "mother nature" you might say that refracts your signal to the destination station so in actuality your transmission is being assisted by the ionosphere and when band conditions change or diminish, there is a communication loss. The internet carries a VoIP signal as well.not like the ionosphere but is is a transportation mechanism like the various layers of the ionosphere using the Networking OSI model.. The ARRL should not be the sole source to say what is and what isn't when it comes to Echolink and VoIP. and the internet. It must be a recognize source of communication as many more are using it today as opposed to HF. And it is....but its the old timers out there who refuse to step into the 21st Century and are the road block to allow the same recognition for Echo link and VoIP gets. If not then ARRL needs to change its name from ARRL (American Radio Relay League) to American Amateur Radio League and leave the "Relay" out of the name since Relaying or remoting is not recognized for awards or the recognition it deserves. We are in the internet age of technology and we all must step into the 21st century to enhance innovation and the art of Amateur Communications 73's | ||
VoIP Echolink Contacts | N6INMGLENN | on 28/12/12 |
Hi All, Question does Echolink contacts or ILRP count for any ARRL Awards if you get a QSL card or wish to exchange cards though that mode? Is there a VoIP DXCC award of any type? Some HAMs have argued Echolink or VoIP is not Ham Radio and will not recognize it as a mode of communications? What is ARRL's and other licensees thoughts with respect to this issue? 73's Glenn N6INM/9 Mundelein, IL |
Remote HF Stations QSL Card | N6INMGLENN | on 28/12/12 |
Hi All, Happy New year to everyone. I have a question. If you work another HF Station via remote (i.e. remotehams.com) and get a QSL Card does it count for anything (i.e. DXCC) Or for DXCC is the requriement to contact a distant station from the RF Source to the destination RF Station and not through a VoIP Gateway? 73's Glenn N6INM/9 Mudelein, IL |