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Joined: Wed, May 25th 2011, 01:37 Roles: N/A Moderates: N/A

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Contact ISS Aug 30th 2020, 14:12 2 9,041 on 30/8/20
How do I ground my station in a rental home? Jul 14th 2011, 17:53 7 10,199 on 30/7/11

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Contact ISS Terrykq7k on 30/8/20
Hi all. I have been licensed since 1983 and I am an amateur extra. I am looking into trying to contact the ISS. Can anyone point me to a source of information as to what is involved? For example, do I need special radios or other equipment, is there some kind of schedule for contacts, most importantly are individuals allowed to make contact or just schools?
Thanks so much for any information.
73s. Terry.
How do I ground my station in a rental home? Terrykq7k on 14/7/11
Ihave recently moved into a rental home and I want to be as least invasive as possible. I am sure I ahve seen in the past articles about grounding my station components using copper tubing and a single wire to the outside ground rod. Can anyone point me to an article or publication that can remind me how this is done. Thanks and 73s.

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