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Amateur Radio Band Plan and SSB Jul 27th 2016, 23:12 3 5,850 on 11/8/16

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Amateur Radio Band Plan and SSB KD0MQD on 11/8/16
Thanks Zack
Amateur Radio Band Plan and SSB KD0MQD on 27/7/16
I am prepping to go live in the HF world and have 2 questions.

The AARL Amateur Radio Band Plan only identifies two locations to use SSB that are found in the 10 and 60 Meter bands. However when looking at numerous band plans on the Web, SSB usage runs throughout all bands between 80 Meters and 6 Meters.

Question 1: Can SSB be used throughout the Amateur Radio Bands?

Question 2: When setting up a frequency plan for Data using a 500 Hz bandwidth is the center frequency set to 3,599,750 to stay within the 3.6 MHz upper limit?

Bob Sutphen

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