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Clandestine Ant. in Park Model Jun 28th 2012, 13:49 3 8,437 on 5/7/12

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Clandestine Ant. in Park Model KD8NJY on 28/6/12
I winter in Florida in a Park Model- a small trailer made of aluminum siding and steel roof. I live in a resort that does not allow antennas (though a few are there). The Park model faces North and of course the peak of the roof line is only about 15 feet. In order to get into Ohio, my other home state, I would need to have a dipole antenna going east to west, I think.

I am going to be painting the roof line trim (aluminum gutters) this fall so will have a reason to be on the ladder.

Would I have any success in the 20/40/80 ranges using an end feed with Icom tuner or a regular dipole that would only be about 50 feet total? I assume I will have to stand off a little bit, and call the line a lightning arrester. I really am at a loss for doing this project.

I do have permission to use an antenna mounted on my truck but that would mean running a coax into the house every time I want to work the airwaves. HELP!

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