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DMR Newbie in NYC netwatch shows on TG unresolved 99998 Oct 15th 2018, 12:20 2 6,332 on 16/10/18

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DMR Newbie in NYC netwatch shows on TG unresolved 99998 K2EL on 16/10/18
Found the solution. Wrong Time Slot. Once I changed the time slot it worked fine. Cheers!
DMR Newbie in NYC netwatch shows on TG unresolved 99998 K2EL on 15/10/18
Netwatch is showing just my new digital ID but not my Callsign and when I try to go to another talk group besides 444 NY Metro on a repeater that shows its in the slot I get unresolved on Netwatch.

I'm guessing my digital ID needs to be updated in the system at some point to allow me to use other talk groups or that I may need to join the repeater group which I cant seem to find or some setting I am missing.

Please let me know.

K2EL Elmar

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