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2nd edition update

Jul 15th 2013, 03:38


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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I bought the first printing of PIC for Beginners in 2011 or 12. Now I understand the 2nd edition is out??
1) Is there a file, pdf, with the updates?
2) If not, is the supplemental info worth the cost of buying this expensive book again??

Seems like some consideration should be made, especially if the first edition was incomplete.

Glenn WA4AOS
Jul 16th 2013, 01:29


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The new book is the revised first edition.

Here are the changes--they also appear on the product notes page
PIC Programming for Beginners-

The MPLab software referenced in the book runs under Windows. It may be possible to run MPLab in a MacOS environment configured for Windows emulation.

Also, for the MPLab software to work properly, you must copy the chapter directory from the CD over to your computer hard drive.

If possible, you should duplicate the original directory structure by placing it in the folder c:\Book

Then in MPLab, use the "open project icon" (open project...the green file folder), navigate to where you put the chapter folder, and open the project file for that chapter.

Prototyping Board Parts List

The prototyping hardware (programmer, boards and parts) addressed in this book is available from ARRL as a complete kit (sold separately).

Quanity Part DigiKey Parallax CanaKit Microchip
1 PIC Programmer UK1301 DV164120
1 Prototype Board and Wire Kit 438-1046-nd BB-102W
1 LCD Display 27977 PX-27977
1 LCD Extension Cable 805-00011 PX-805-00011
2 PIC16F676 PIC16F676-I/P-ND IC-PIC16F676
1 MCP41010 Digital Pot 10K MCP41010-I/P-ND IC-MCP41010
4 470 Ω 1/4 Watt Resistor 470QBK-ND R5-25-470R
1 .01uF Capacitor P4582-ND CP-103-50V
2 1N914 Diode 1N194-TPCT-ND DS-1N914
1 5V Regulator 7805 LM78L05ACZFS-ND IC-LM78L05
1 9V Battery Clip BH9V-PC-ND DX-BH9V-PC
4 Button Switch SW403-ND SW-1102B
2 Red LED 67-1105-ND LED-5MRED
2 Yellow LED 67-1116-ND LED-5MYEL
2 Green LED 67-1098-ND LED-5MGRN
2 2N3904 Transistor 2N3904FS-ND TR-2N3904
1 Slide Switch EG1903-ND SW-SPDT
2 20K Potentiometer P16-20KB-SP1
1 Speaker 102-1142-ND DX-102-1142
1 7-Segment LED 7SEG-CCR-56
1 14-Pin DIP Socket AE9989-ND SKT-14
1 8-Pin DIP Socket AE9986-ND SKT-8
2 3-Pin Male Connector WM2001-ND DX-WM2001
2 3-Pin Female Connector WM4301-ND DX-WM4301
10 Connector Pins WM1114-ND DX-WM1114
1 Keyer Circuit Board C120-ARRL

PC Board templates and parts layout diagrams for the CW keyer featured in the book are available as a single Zip file. You can download it by clicking

here. A diagram of the circuit board pinouts is available here.

On page 6-7 immediately above the discussion of the ANSEL register is a figure depicting the ANSEL register. There is an error in the depiction of the register, specifically in the mapping of the register bits to the appropriate pins.

The ANS1 bit is incorrectly associated with pin RA2 and the ANS2 bit is incorrectly associated with pin RA3. As the text indicates, pin RA3 has a separate dual purpose and does not have an analog resource assigned to
it. There is no mapping to the ANSEL register for RA3. Instead, the ANS1 bit is associated with pin RA1. The ANS2 bit maps to the RA2 pin. The other bits are correctly associated with the appropriate microprocessor pins.

December 7, 2011 -- We have discovered with the manufacturer of the PIC Kit a tolerance issue with the source (supplier) of Q2, a P-channel FET used to switch on the Vpp source. The problem was identified by author Mark Spencer, WA8SME, after hearing from a few customers who were experiencing difficulty programming PICS. Mark has discovered a short solution for the error 27 message that will get you back on track. It will take a few extra steps in the program development and sending them to the PIC, but the procedure will allow the CanaKit programmer to load the programs you develop in MPLab into the PIC.The work-around is described in a PDF document that you can download here.

Zack Lau W1VT
ARRL Senior Lab Engineer

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