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3rd party with lower class license

Jun 23rd 2013, 14:46


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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I am working with some Boy Scouts who are studying for the Tech class license. Is it legal for a Tech class holder to talk to a DX contact in a country that is not on the 3rd party list when the contact is made under my Extra class call? The Scout would hold an FCC license but the QSO is not in his band segment.

Oct 23rd 2018, 08:11


Super Moderator

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§97.115 Third party communications.

(a) An amateur station may transmit messages for a third party to:

(1) Any station within the jurisdiction of the United States.

(d) At the end of an exchange of international third party communications, the station must also transmit in the station identification procedure the call sign of the station with which a third party message was exchanged.

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