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Apr 12th 2013, 21:48


Joined: Aug 28th 2009, 08:43
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I'm studying for my General test. I wanted a website with all the test questions and the answers laid out for easier memorization and I wanted an explanation for every question saying why each answer was correct and how to calculate things that needed to be calculated. I couldn't find one, so I started making my own.

I've added the questions for the Technician test, which you can see at and I also added the questions for the General test, which you can see at I added some brief explanations for a couple questions (you can see the explanations by clicking on the title for each question). For instance, here's a question with some math explanation: And here's a diagram question which doesn't have an explanation yet, but does have the diagram:

Feel free to edit it yourself. If you want to more easily track your contributions and have others respond to you, create an account, but anyone can edit it at this point.

As I have time, I'll be adding the Amateur Extra questions, then going through and writing reasons for every question, why the answer is what it is and how do to any necessary math. Again, feel free to jump in and perhaps someday nobody else will wonder, "Seriously, the only way to learn about this is to buy a new book for each test, nobody's put together a website with this information yet?"
Apr 13th 2013, 18:35


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Good Work. You must have meant for the general test!

The trick with this, as with any database, is to keep it up to date as the content changes.

73 Martin AA6E
Sep 5th 2013, 19:53


Joined: Aug 28th 2009, 08:43
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Yes, thanks. I passed my General test and now that the summer is over and I'm back to regular work, it's time to go in and finish things up. :)

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