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EMCOMMS - Prowords and NIMS Plain English

Sep 30th 2012, 14:25


Joined: Apr 9th 2003, 15:56
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First - may I propose an Emergency Communications forum category? Might have a sub category of equipment for EMCOMM use and Jump Kit construction, another for Skywarn... I was thinking EMCOMM would be the place to put this question -

Greetings group:

Recently gave a presentation on radio use and controlled nets to a State Guard volunteer group. Provided a "cheat sheet" of common prowords - you know...

Roger / Over / Out / Say Again / All After / Figures
and the Alpha Bravo Charlie ITU phonetics.

One student challenged that under NIMS all comms are supposed to be in plain English.

I haven't found an authoritative read on this yet and I'd like to show up at the next meeting with a concise "here is the proper way" statement... Are Prowords and ITU Phonetics "Plain English"?
And are Q codes confirmed not to be "Plain English"?

Anyone have a reference?

I argue that Prowords are not code or local jargon, but they are internationally recognized jargon associated with operating a radio. This should not be an issue in dealing with licensed operators, but if we hand a radio to a non-licensed operator...
I think that saying "This Is" or "Say Again" is plain English. All of the prowords are understandable on their own - no 10 code lookup tables required. Saying "Over" or "Out" -- well -- perhaps not everyone would know that "Over" means "it's your turn to talk", but I suspect they would pick it up quickly. Further - one could argue that "10-4" has made the transition from jargon into plain English, but none of the other CB ten codes. (That is - if I hear someone say 10-4 I won't go out of my way to correct them but I won't encourage the use either.)


N8XZ / Ron
Oct 1st 2012, 16:35


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This forum and others suggest that plain English and a common phonetic alphabet be adopted.

Zack Lau W1VT
ARRL Senior Lab Engineer
Oct 6th 2012, 21:26


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Thanks for the reply. I concur about a common phonetic alphabet but can accept either way. The thing I need to answer is "Are Prowords = plain English"? Saying "All Before" or "I Copy" or "Figures" are already plain English, "Roger", "Over" and others might not be. I contend it would be cumbersome to end each transmission with "ok, now it's your turn" so "Over" makes a lot of sense -- but since we don't seem to have a clear statement I think I have my answer.
Oct 9th 2012, 15:40


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Hi. I agree that plain English and the standard ITU phonetics should be used. Q codes should not. While "Over" may not be clear enough to some, "over to you" or "over to (callsign) should be. I think the standard of what is considered "plain English" for EMCOMM use should be:
That it can it be understood by anyone not familiar with Amateur or other radio operations and the jargon associated with any such operations.

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