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Remote or station tuner

Jul 31st 2012, 04:09


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Is there a big differance between a remote tuner and a tuner at the station when there is 150' of LMR-400 in between? Thanks Bill
Jul 31st 2012, 14:38


Super Moderator

Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Hi Bill,
That depends on the both the band, antenna, and mode of operation. A high SWR on the 150 foot line creates extra loss that can be eliminated with the remote tuner--this could be 20 dB or more with some very common compromise combinations--such as using your 40m dipole on 80 meters. But, the extra loss could negligible, if you just want to use your 75m dipole on 80 CW. These days, it has become common to use odd lengths of wire (not your usual resonant dipole lengths) with an antenna tuner in an effort to come up with a reasonable compromise on all bands--rather than a great signal on one band and mediocre signals on the others. A big loop often has reasonable losses with the tuner on either end, but the pattern nulls on the higher bands can be annoying.

Folks running sideband tend to notice differences in signal strength more than those on CW. Similarly, JT65 is more tolerant of weak signals that PSK31 or RTTY.

Zack Lau W1VT
ARRL Senior Lab Engineer

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