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Mar 22nd, 15:37

Joined: Feb 27th, 01:22
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Can you tell me if there is a place in St. Augustine where I can see exhibits about medieval torture? I am looking for something unusual and educational.
Mar 22nd, 15:55

Joined: Jan 7th, 20:49
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I was in Chicago and decided to visit the Museum of Medieval Torture
– and it turned out to be much more impressive than I expected! The museum contains creepy, but interesting exhibits, each of which tells its own story. It would seem that we live in a civilized time, but to realize that such methods of torture were used in the past is simply shocking. I especially liked that you can not only look, but also read about each object, learn its purpose and even see reconstructions. Not the most cheerful place, but definitely worth a visit – you leave with a feeling of deep rethinking!

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