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Finding a hidden cannabis club

Yesterday, 02:04

Joined: Apr 23rd 2024, 09:50
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Some of the best places are the hardest to find. When I was in Barcelona, I followed Google Maps to a club, but it looked like a normal building with no sign. I almost left, but I knocked anyway, and sure enough, it was a private club. Has anyone else had a hard time finding these places? Some of them really blend into the city.

Yesterday, 02:27


Joined: Jan 18th, 17:03
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A friend told me about cannabis clubs in Barcelona, but he made it sound way easier than it actually was. I walked up to the first one I saw, only to get turned away at the door because I wasn’t a member. Ended up wandering around for hours before I finally got into a good spot. Later, I found , it was exactly what I needed from the start—clear info on how to join without wasting time.

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