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SWR on homebuilt Yagi

Jun 11th, 14:59

Joined: Apr 25th, 14:45
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I built a tape measure yagi antenna to try to better my satellite comms with an HT. I built a dual band 2m/70cm.It has 4, 2m and 7 70cm elements. I used old CB coax jumpers to solder in my coax jumpers. The jumper on the 2m side is 16 inches. My SWR on 2m is 1.2:1. The jumper on the 70cm side is 24 inches. The SWR on 70cm I can't get below 3:1. Do I need to shorten this coax length? Do I need to shorten/lengthen (?) the spacings of the elements? My element spacing on 2m is 12 3/8 inches, and on 70cm they are at 5 inches. I have been a HAM operator for a whopping 6 weeks, so to say I'm new at this is a mouthful. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Ralph KK7SXE
Jun 14th, 11:19


Joined: Aug 4th 2022, 14:46
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What Coax are you using? If you are using RG-58 or something similar it will cause the high SWR condition. You want something like LMR400. Also in the future please submit questions to or call using our phone number.

Digital RF Engineer

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