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Roof maintenance

May 15th, 02:58


Joined: Apr 23rd, 09:50
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Hi there. We've been using a local one- man UK roofer for some years to replace tiles and generally keep the roof maintained but he's become unreliable and we're seeking any recommendations for a roofer who is happy to do maintenance work - bit of cementing / replacing tiles - general upkeep.
May 15th, 03:31

Joined: Apr 23rd, 10:00
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Hello, I want to say that the solution for this would be to install skylights, this will add more daylight to your home which will make it more amazing and pleasant. It's quite rare to see skylights on the roof of a house these days, so I believe that once you install them, your neighbors will be very surprised.
May 23rd, 21:14

Joined: Mar 18th, 08:53
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I want to introduce to you a very unique game called slope game, I guarantee you will enjoy and be attracted to this game.

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