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Electrical calculation for ham radio

Dec 16th 2019, 18:59


Joined: Nov 19th 2019, 09:02
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Can any direct me to a book or article that lets you calculate the voltage,resistance throughout a radio schematic.
In other words how does a radio take an electricity and turn them into radio waves.
So far all I find is block diagrams with no real explanation.
I want to understand how the radio functions on a nuts and bolts level. Why one resistor can make a significant change. Thank you
Dec 16th 2019, 19:57


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The Electronics of Radio Pap/Dskt Edition
by David B. Rutledge (Author) $50 book on

ISBN-13: 978-0521646451
ISBN-10: 0521646456
Dec 16th 2019, 19:57


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Why an Antenna Radiates
QST November 1992, pp. 59-63
You don't have to know how an antenna works to use one, but getting a handle on this subject can deepen your understanding of radio. Here's a searching look at the mysterious process by which our antennas hurl energy from Here to There.

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