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OCF Vertical Dipole for VHF/UHF: minimize SWR

Feb 18th 2016, 04:39


Joined: Feb 28th 2008, 12:57
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Looking to minimize SWR on a homebrew vertical dipole for 136-174 MHz and 400-490 MHz. With my current setup, SWR is off the charts.

I have horizontally isolated the dipole from its feedline by about 4 feet. The center of the dipole is 6-7 feet vertical from ground level. Yes, that is not very high, but I wanted to make the setup and takedown easy for non-hams to accomplish. That's one reason why I wanted a vertical dipole: no ground plane.

Questions: Will shortening one side of the vertical dipole, thereby converting the antenna to an OCF vertical dipole, lower SWR? Any other advice for an antenna newbie? Many thanks!

System components include:
Powerwerx DB-750X:

50 ft of RG8/U coax:

MFJ-347 dipole mount:

Telescoping whips:

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