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New ARRL Member 2 Queries

Aug 8th 2015, 01:46


Joined: Jun 3rd 2015, 04:54
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Hi I have Relocated from ZL to VK & have a quantity of unused QSL Cards not used, Will I have to get new ones printed for LoTW? or could I have printed stickers with my new QTH details etc pasted over the old info??? I dont think so ,but the cards are such good quality and good design.
Another queery , If one is not in a contest , what is the correct procedure to reply to the contest station for my log details to submit to LoTW for Awards, do I go back to him with just an RST or plus a contact No as if I am in the contest as well ?
Being a Subscriber to QRZ allows me to upload to LoTW is it correct that I do not need to have any other logging program . After many years & losing all my logs , Now I am very keen to obtain WAS awards & others Thanks for any info VK2CRI ex ZL2AGE ,
Aug 8th 2015, 03:00


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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LoTW is all electronic and has nothing to do with printed QSL cards. You could strike out all the obsolete data and write in your new call & address on your cards (or use stickers). It's your choice. It's really a question of what kind of impression you want to make on your radio friends, and how much you want to pay!

I believe you will need to start a new LoTW account with your new callsign & QTH. Your old DXCC credits would not carry over if you have moved to a new country. I expect that's true of WAS, also.

Good luck & 73 - Martin AA6E
(a user, but not an authority on LoTW!)
Aug 9th 2015, 08:14


Joined: Jun 3rd 2015, 04:54
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Thanks Martin , I will keep reading as much as I can as although I have started using LoTW it will be some time before I figure it all out but I am very interested Again thanks all the info I get will help 73s VK2CRI

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