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2-meters and D-Star

Jul 9th 2015, 01:45


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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I'm an old fashioned lifelong CW ragchewer with growing interests in other facets of amateur radio. I can count on one hand the number of times I've used a 2-meter repeater for a QSO. I'm considering the purchase of a Icom ID-51a, which is a D-Star enabled handheld, but I don't know much about modern 2-meter FM and I know absolutely nothing about D-Star. Can I use this unit on a normal, non-digital repeater? What about D-Star? Is this popular on 2-meters or 440MHz? One of the reasons I want the Icom ID-51a is that it receives on aircraft bands (AM) which most 2-meter handhelds so not. I'm not sure I care about D-Star, but then again, who knows? I might get interested in digital 2-meter FM.

Jul 9th 2015, 15:25


Super Moderator

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Glad you're interested in new modes!

The ID-51A was reviewed in the December 2013 issue of QST.

D-Star is used on both 2 meters and 70 cm. Analog FM is still plentiful on both bands, but there are other digital formats used on 70 cm.

Icom's web site has plenty of introductory information regarding D-Star. With Icom's material and our QST Product Review, you should be able to make a decision about it.

Bob Allison
ARRL Senior Test Engineer
Sep 22nd 2016, 15:37


Joined: Aug 29th 2016, 14:22
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I'm enjoying my new ID-51a+ but use the CD from RT to make it easier

D-Star takes forever to register with them. Evidently, inputs are made manually; I've waited 4 days. Try if website does not work. PATIENCE FOR FEEDBACK

Ken Rhodes
Oct 22nd 2016, 01:09


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Sonoma County is a dStar desert with no available dStar repeater. So I bought a ThumDV dongle and jacked it into my laptop. I had to go to the PAPA system and explain that I couldn't get registered locally. They very kindly registered me at PAPA and now I can work dStar for only a cash layout of around $150.

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