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New License Processing Time

Feb 1st 2015, 01:40


Joined: Feb 1st 2015, 01:09
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I have been wanting to get started in amateur radio for some time now and recently (20th Jan 2015) I bit the bullet and took the FCC element 2 exam.

I was pleased to hear I passed and advised that it will take 4 to 6 weeks for my license to be granted and to check the QRZ website to see when it comes available for use.

My post here is to make a suggestion that perhaps the ARRL or FCC (as I understand both organizations are involved in the new license process) should consider offering a express service like when renewing passports.... perhaps for a fee of $50 or $100 those people like myself who are eager to get going can have their new license applications processed in ~24/48hrs.

Not understanding the process I cannot ascertain the feasibility of this suggestion but in 2015 with most systems being on the internet I would be surprised if it was too difficult to provide such a service. That being said I am also conscious this is essentially not for profit and people volunteer their time to assist... for that I am grateful!

As for myself I am resigned to listening for the time being... two weeks down another between two and four weeks to go. Oh well, they say patience is a virtue!

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