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how to mount IC-7100 ?

May 17th 2014, 15:03


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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I am cosidering the IC-7100, but I can't think of a workable mounting solution. They call it a "mobile" radio, but the size and shape of the remote head does not lend itself to a viable mobile solution. The only place I can think of is, in the middle on top of the dash; but to be able to see the screen I would have to raise the back of the unit up, d/t the rear slope of the screen. The unit would be blocking my view out the windshield; which also happen to be illegal (I know the cops should pull me over d/t the obstruction. ). If you have one how did you mount yours. BTW: I would be mounting it in a Ford F-150.
Jun 21st 2014, 09:39


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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I saw an article where an op was using "RAM" Camera mounts to attach a ball to the bottom of the 7100 control head. The ball attaches to the Ram mount which is connected to another ball attached to the car. The Ram mounts are nicely made and are used on Motorcycles for holding cell phones, drink cup holders, Go Pro camera etc etc.

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