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May 10th 2014, 00:47


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Apple iPad

I keep getting an authentication error and will not accept login when trying to read the June 2014 QST. ARRL website login is fine.

I have attempted to download , or to read the latest QST multiple times. My internet connection I'd running okay.
May 10th 2014, 23:59


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Same for me. It seems it is always when I am on the road and would like to get my QST something goes wrong.
May 11th 2014, 01:03


Joined: May 5th 2003, 09:20
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me2 login ok. qst inop.
May 11th 2014, 02:19


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Similar problem. iPad and iPhone iOS 7. ARRL logon on all devices works OK. Anyone from HQ out there who can help?
Frank KR1ZAN
May 11th 2014, 02:21


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Tried downloading the June issue today after upgrading my iPad2 to IOS 7.1.1 and received an authentication error. Maybe a coincidence but I've not had an issue prior to this IOS upgrade.
Tried logging out and back in but still the same error. Have not tried uninstalling yet because it said it would wipe all data and not sure I want to do that.
Also, I can log in with my MacBook to the ARRL website and read the issue online without a problem.
Hopefully they will address and fix this after the weekend.

Bruce W1SO
May 11th 2014, 02:32


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I have the same error. I did try and reinstall the app, but no improvement.

However, I noticed it still said "Logout" in the upper right corner, so I tried downloading an issue from a couple months ago. No problem! I can also download last month's. Viewing the June issue through the web interface also works.

It appears the authentication error is specifically associated with the June, 2014 issue and the iOS QST app. (iOS 7.1.1)
May 11th 2014, 03:23


Joined: Apr 6th 1998, 00:00
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The embedded videos in my June digital copy don't play; the magazine's file size appears correct compared to previous issues. I'm using a Mac with Mavericks OS 10.9.2
May 11th 2014, 08:26


Joined: Feb 17th 2006, 09:47
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same here--latest iOS and QRZ app, correct password generates an authentication error on the June issue but earlier issues download fine.
May 11th 2014, 14:25


Joined: Jan 22nd 2007, 09:35
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2014 and the June issue gives me this. Ongoing problem?
May 11th 2014, 15:39


Joined: Jun 10th 2004, 10:28
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The error message is receive for the June 2014 issue. The error message was not received when the app was removed with all of the stored data, app reloaded, and May 2014 issue downloaded.
May 12th 2014, 04:15


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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All the same for me as well. iPad gen3. iOS 7.1.1.
Always get authentication failed, no matter what.

73, K6TD
May 12th 2014, 05:14


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Must be an error on their part limited to this issue. Someone must've forgotten to authorize this issue for members. Previous issues open and download, but June still has an authentication error for either read or download. Perhaps access is limited to ARRL staff. They'll probably fix it Monday.
May 12th 2014, 12:44

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Hello Everyone,
Our developer is diligently researching the problem we are having with the iOS application as this is a universal issue, no one can download the June edition of Digital QST using the iOS application. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience of this and I will post up here again once the developer has corrected the problem.
Thank you for your patience while we get this corrected for you all and again, my apologies.
Alli, KC1ARQ (ARRL Digital Content Coordinator)
May 12th 2014, 12:54


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At least we know that we aren't nuts, which was of course our first assumption! Thanks
May 12th 2014, 14:00

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The issue within the iOS application has since been resolved. Before trying to view/download the June edition the publisher asks that you first clear your cache within the application, close out the application and then re-open and try to download/view the issue after that. Again, our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience over the weekend.
~Alli, KC1ARQ (ARRL Digital Content Coordinator)

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