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Ham Humanitarians

May 2nd 2014, 15:55


Joined: Jan 10th 2013, 23:05
Total Topics: 0
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Hello all,

I've been inspired to read about hams doing emergency response work, and other hams on dxpedition who do humanitarian work in the field. Given that there are always problems going on somewhere in the world, and given that we can reach everywhere in the world with our radios, does anyone know of any ways that we can assist with humanitarian efforts on a daily basis from our base stations?

We are well-equipped international communicators; it shouldn't take a disaster in our immediate areas or a hugely expensive foreign trip to get us involved in volunteering. More hams make the world a better place; I'm looking for ways we can demonstrate that to some of the people who need help the most.

For example,how could hams in America use their radios to help war refugees, victims of natural disasters, and such in other places? There are a lot of people around the world that need help, and our efforts could also be seen as drills for future public service closer to home.

Example: an ARES-type emergency net on 40M would be quite something, but would require coordination with someone on the ground at the scene. Guess this would be the case with all scenarios.

In any case, I know a lot of hams are interested in public service. What I'm talking about is simply a wider definition of community. Any thoughts or ideas would be welcome.

Thanks and 73,
Rob / K7RMA

May 26th 2014, 21:08


Joined: Aug 24th 2012, 18:56
Total Topics: 0
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You might want to consider the National Traffic System,

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