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Find an Amateur Radio License Class

Twp. of Washington NJ 07676



Start/End Dates: 01/06/2012 - 03/17/2012
Times: 19:30 to 21:30
# of Sessions: 10
Class level: Extra
Morse code offered: No
Pre register required: Yes
Fee: 30
Pre Study required: No
Class Type: Traditional
Exam offered: Yes
Sponsoring Club/Organization: ARRL Hudson Division
Instructor: AJ4WD
Contact: Rachel Weiss AJ4WD
Phone: (862) 703-0791
Location: Twp. of Washington Town Hall - Senior's Center
350 Hudson Avenue
Bergen County (NNJ)
Twp. of Washington, NJ 07676
Additional Information: The course fee is $30 with book, $15 without book order. Students who bring their own book must have a current issue. If you wish to get a head start before class begins, you may order your own books from the ARRL's online store at: We will be using the ARRL Ham Radio Extra Q&A 2nd Edition. Please pre-register by sending an EMAIL to Subject: Extra License Class - 2012Q1. Course fee needs to be paid at the orientation. Books will be made available to pre-registerd students on that night. A limited number of study guides will be available for lease that will require a $30.00 deposit (refundable when you return the book in the same condition). The Exam standard fee is $15 per attempt and will be administered by BARA (Bergen Amateur Radio Association) as our last class session.



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