Pensacola FL 32504
Start/End Dates: 02/16/2021 - 04/22/2021
Times: 6Pm to 8:30 Pm
# of Sessions: 20
Class level: Technician
Morse code offered: No
Pre register required: Yes
Fee: 21.00
Pre Study required: No
Class Type: Traditional
Exam offered: Yes
Sponsoring Club/Organization: Five Flag Amateur Radio Assoc
Instructor: kb4hah
Eugene Bannon kb4hah
Phone: (850) 477-0024
Location: Pensacola State College
1000 College Park
Pensacola, FL 32504
Additional Information: 2021 Spring term Class must be registered with Pensacola State College (PSC) Continual Education Dept. The course name is "Amateur Radio Introduction & Upgrade". Course # is R 06254. As stated in the Class Name, all 3 license class are available to be taught and the course will be tailored to the students registered in which licenses they wish to achieve. The class cost is $21.00 for use of the PSC's administration & facilities. Classes will be held on Tues and Thurs, from 6 PM - 8:30PM. There will be a week of Spring Break with no classes. PSC is requiring Social Distancing & Mask wearing for all of their classes when applicable. There will be a Field Trip to Escambia County EOC, as well as Mini-Field Day demo, and an antenna Construction Project. Class syllabus will be provided on initial class for the entire course.