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Convention Presentations

Centennial Convention Presentation Proposals

Fill out this form to propose a presentation for the ARRL Centennial Convention, July 17-19, 2014.

Questions? Be sure to check out the FAQ below for more information.

Time Slot *

Please email detailed prospectus to

Presentation Date *

Co-presenter(s) *


  • When will programs be scheduled?

    Programs will be held throughout the day on Thursday July 17, and from 9:00 AM thru 4:00 PM on Friday July 18 and Saturday July 19.

  • How long should the presentations be?

    Programs scheduled for Thursday July 17 (pre-convention slots) should be ½ day (3 hours) or a full day (7 hours including a one-hour lunch break).  Program slots on Friday and Saturday July 18-19 should be planned for either 50-minutes or 110-minutes.  The time allotments should include time for Q&A from those attending the presentation.

  • Where will the programs be held?

    The majority of the presentations will be held in meeting rooms at the Hartford Convention Center. Some sessions may be held in meeting rooms at the adjoining hotel.

  • What type of presentations are you interested in finding?

    Since this is an once-in-a-lifetime Centennial event, we are looking for presentations that are on the cutting edge of where the Amateur Radio Service is going in our second century.  Programs highlighting new technology and advancements are encouraged.  We are also looking for presentations that are designed to inspire every Amateur to build their personal skills as we look to the future.  Creative, innovate programs that will help inspire individuals to help grow the hobby would certainly be appropriate.


  • What areas of interest / focus for the programs?

    Almost any topic that helps promote Amateur Radio activity and growth will be considered for inclusion in the schedule.  The list is almost limitless, but some general themes that might be used as a starting point would include:

    ·         Technical Innovations & Advancements

    ·         Operating Skills Development

    ·         Public Service Communications

    ·         Education

    ·         Contesting

    ·         DXing

    ·         Club growth and development

    ·         Youth involvement

  • What steps do I need to take to present at the Centennial Convention?

    After you have developed a good summary and outline for your presentation, you should submit your proposal using the “Program Presenter Proposal Form” located at the top of this page. After it is received, your proposal will be reviewed by staff. Once your program has been accepted, you will be notified and provided specific information on the time and location for your presentation.


     The deadline for submitting proposals for consideration is Thursday October 31, 2013. Selected programs will be notified by December 31, 2013 and provided additional information on what to expect next.


  • Can I present on a particular day of the Centennial Convention?

    The “Program Presenter Proposal Form” has a field that will let you provide date preferences to the committee.

  • What type of audio-visual equipment will be available?

    Each of the forum rooms will include a projector that can be connected to your laptop as well as an interface to the sound system for the room.

  • Can I have co-presenter(s)?

    Absolutely! They will need to be registered attendees of the convention but you can certainly have co-presenters that help add to your forum content.


  • Will presentations be available outside of the Centennial Convention?

    It will be impractical for many ARRL members who live a great distance from Hartford to attend. It is our hope to be able to stream several of the forums live from the venue.  We will also encourage all presenters to provide copies of their presentations to the convention organizers several weeks in advance of the show so that we will be able to make available some type of “proceedings” record - such as a thumb-drive, that includes copies of available presentations.

  • Questions?

    Contact ARRL Regulatory Information Manager, Dan Henderson, N1ND:


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