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ARRL Letter


The ARRL Letter
Vol. 25, No. 43
October 27, 2006

REMINDER: The ARRL On-Line Auction <>
continues until Friday, November 3! 


* +League asks FCC for 60 meter upgrades
* +ARRL President urges caution re Red Cross background checks
* +ARISS delegates mull plans for HF, digital TV from space
* +A healthy Amateur Radio Service: "Priceless!" 
* +FCC inertia, BPL among ARRL Executive Committee topics
* +Honorary ARRL VP Marshall Quiat, AG0X, SK
*  Solar Update
     This weekend on the radio: CQ WW DX Contest (SSB)!
     ARRL Certification and Continuing Education course registration
    +Eagles-autographed guitar among ARRL On-Line Auction offerings
    +Hurricane Watch Net announces new leadership
     US Coast Guard Auxiliary announces "Special Event Radio Day"
     GB500KCS operation to celebrate centenary

+Available on ARRL Audio News <> 

==>Delivery problems: First see FAQ
<>, then e-mail
==>Editorial questions or comments only: Rick Lindquist, N1RL,


The ARRL is asking the FCC to expand 60-meter operating privileges and
substitute a new channel for one that's often occupied by a federal
government user. The League filed a Petition for Rule Making (PRM)
2006.pdf> October 11. The FCC has not yet assigned a rule making (RM) number
to the petition nor invited comments. The ARRL Executive Committee okayed
filing the PRM when it met October 7.

"These minor rule changes will substantially increase the flexibility in the
use of the channels in the 5250-5450 kHz band and will as well facilitate
Amateur Radio emergency communications in this important segment of the HF
spectrum," the ARRL said in its petition. "Amateurs have proven, through
interference-free operation on these channels, that compatible sharing of
the channels is possible."

The League wants the FCC to authorize General class and higher licensees to
run 100 W effective radiated power (ERP) instead of the present 50 W ERP and
to allow CW and narrow-band digital modes, including PSK31 and PACTOR 3. It
also asks the Commission to replace the 5368.0 kHz center-frequency channel
with 5358.5 kHz, so amateurs can avoid federal government digital traffic on
the current channel. Operation on 60 meters would remain on a secondary,
non-interference basis.

When the ARRL first petitioned the FCC for a 150 kHz-wide 60-meter band, the
primary objection to granting the allocation came not from the Commission --
which initially proposed granting the request -- but from the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)
<>, which administers federal spectrum. The five
channels, upper sideband only, 50 W ERP and maximum 2.8 kHz bandwidth that
radio amateurs got represented a compromise between the two agencies.

The NTIA is far more favorably disposed to the ARRL's latest request,
however. The NTIA's Office of Spectrum Management told ARRL earlier this
year that the Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee (IRAC) had considered
the League's requests and "would look favorably" on the channel change, use
of additional modes and power increase proposals. 

The IRAC would not support a request for a 50 kHz-wide domestic secondary
allocation. The petition expressed the hope that the FCC eventually consider
allocating a domestic amateur band in the vicinity of the existing 60-meter

The League says Amateur Radio access to 60 meters over the past three years
"has been successful without qualification," with no known instances of
interference to federal users from radio amateurs. The NTIA's letter
cautioned that digital users "must take care to limit the length of their
transmissions" so federal agencies could readily reclaim a 60-meter channel
in an emergency. NTIA said it would support the power hike "on the
presupposition" that amateurs would continue to use voice-operated transmit
(VOX) on USB phone. The ARRL's proposed Part 97 rule changes specifically
accommodate these concerns.


ARRL President Joel Harrison, W5ZN, is urging Amateur Radio Emergency
Service (ARES) and other ham radio volunteers to tread cautiously when
submitting information for background checks the American Red Cross (ARC)
now requires. The ARC, with which the ARRL has a Statement of Understanding
(SoU) <>, this summer
notified local chapters that volunteers and staff members must submit to
criminal background checks by October 31. Harrison says the requirement
extends to ARES volunteers who support Red Cross disaster relief efforts. In
a statement <>
October 24, Harrison said the League recommends that anyone submitting
personal information for a background check very carefully read what they
are giving the ARC permission to collect.

"The Red Cross is requiring volunteers to grant permission for more than
just a criminal background check," Harrison asserted. "They are also
requiring permission to draw a consumer and/or investigative consumer report
on the volunteer." Harrison said that could also include credit and
mode-of-living checks.

"The Red Cross has stated that they will not use credit reports," he noted.
"Requiring that volunteers authorize the procurement of a credit report is
inconsistent with this assurance."

The ARC has contracted with LLC (MBC) to handle the
on-line background checks. Prospective volunteers visit a secure, encrypted
Web site <>, click on the ARC logo and
submit name, address, Social Security number (or other acceptable government
ID), telephone number, and date of birth. The Red Cross says the overall
results of the background check are not shared with the ARC.

In the course of applying, prospective volunteers must agree to let MBC
obtain a wide range of personal information bearing not just on criminal
background and creditworthiness but, MBC says, "character, general
reputation [and] personal characteristics." MBC advises, "The nature and
scope of this disclosure and authorization is all-encompassing . . ."

The Red Cross says its new policy is aimed at safeguarding clients,
volunteers and employees alike. "Unfortunately, in this day and age it is
critical that the American Red Cross and other agencies, employers and
organizations perform due diligence in researching the people who will
represent them," the ARC said in a statement supplied to ARRL.

The ARC apparently has not disseminated policy specifics at the national
level. The only reliable information on what the background checks will
entail is that on the MBC site. Various chapter-level memoranda the ARRL has
obtained contain conflicting information about the program.

ARRL Field and Educational Services Manager Dave Patton, NN1N -- whose
department supports the ARRL Field Organization -- is among those who
believes the Red Cross stands to lose a fair number of volunteers because of
the requirement -- and not necessarily just ARES volunteers.

"ARES members who are providing communications for ARC are working for ARC,"
Patton maintained, "and, as such, will follow their guidelines." He said the
decision to go along with the new Red Cross policy is up to individual

The SoU between the League and the ARC is ambiguous as to whether ARES
members become Red Cross volunteers when supporting the ARC. While the
document says "each organization retains its own identity in providing
service," it further stipulates that ARES volunteers "in such cases when the
operators are required to carry American Red Cross identification" must
register as American Red Cross volunteers. The SoU does not address the
issue of background checks, however. The SoU comes up for review in 2007.

Radio amateurs who volunteered in the wake of Hurricane Katrina last year
and following 9/11 in New York City were badged through as ARC volunteers.
The practice still upsets some ARES volunteers.

Contact the Red Cross (toll-free 800-507-3960) with any questions regarding
the background check program.


Plans to deploy an HF transceiver and a digital TV system in space were
among the highlights of the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station
(ARISS) 2006 International Delegates Meeting October 9-10 near San
Francisco. The session also marked ARISS's 10th anniversary. In November
1996, delegates from eight countries met in Houston, Texas, to lay the
foundation for the joint educational outreach program and map plans to
establish a permanent ham radio presence in space. ARISS International
Chairman Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, called the establishment of ARISS
"unprecedented, especially for a volunteer effort."

"You all should be proud of what you've accomplished in the last 10 years,"
Bauer told this year's ARISS gathering. The ARISS goal in 1996, he noted,
was "to consolidate all those ham radio voices into one voice." By making it
possible for youngsters around the world to speak with the ISS crew via ham
radio, he said, the program now touches some 15,000 students each year.

At this year's gathering, ARISS delegates discussed expanding the complement
of ham radio hardware and the operational capability of the two Amateur
Radio stations on the ISS. On the near horizon are plans to launch and
install a Yaesu FT-817ND transceiver on the ISS to permit operation on some
HF bands from the ARISS Phase 2 station. That setup now features a modified
Kenwood TM-D700E for VHF and UHF work, including school contacts,
digipeating and slow-scan television (SSTV). An HF antenna already is in
place on the space station. The FT-817ND runs up to 5 W and covers VHF and
UHF too.

ARISS also wants an ISS crew to install an Ericsson 70 cm FM transceiver,
already onboard. It would go in the ISS Zvezda Service Module -- the crew's
living quarters and site of the ARISS Phase 2 station. An Ericsson 2 meter
FM transceiver has been in use since 2000 at the ARISS Phase 1 station in
the Zarya Functional Cargo Block or FGB.

A bit farther down the road, ARISS envisions installing a digital Amateur
Radio TV (DATV) system aboard the ISS Columbus module. A contribution of the
European Space Agency, the Columbus module is awaiting launch at Kennedy
Space Center. Delegate Graham Shirville, G3VZV, speaking on behalf of
ARISS-Europe, outlined plans for a mode L/S transponder aboard Columbus as
well as a DATV downlink on S1 band (2.4 GHz). ARISS-Europe hopes to
fabricate the necessary antennas by year's end.

NASA ISS Expedition 12 Commander Bill McArthur, KC5ACR -- a guest at the
ARISS International Delegates Meeting and keynote speaker for the AMSAT
Space Symposium and Annual Meeting banquet a few days earlier -- said the
ISS crew members "very quickly get used to living on camera." He said the
impact of ARISS school events on the crew's schedule has been fairly
minimal. Bauer concurred. "Where we're developing hardware, we need to make
it simple," he said. "Crews can't afford lengthy setup times."

The SSTV system already aboard the ISS also came in for some discussion
following a presentation by its development coordinator, Miles Mann, WF1F.
After some successful initial testing, the SSTV has been off the air,
ARISS-Russia delegate Sergei Samburov, RV3DR, explained. "We had had some
challenging issues with the SSTV," he said. "We will be working to resolve
these soon."

The possibility of having the ISS crew launch university-built CubeSats from
the space station during space walks was another discussion topic. ARISS
delegates will explore opportunities to work with schools constructing
CubeSat projects with an eye toward enhancing the educational value of these
tiny spacecraft and to entice the younger generation to consider Amateur

As ARISS International Secretary-Treasurer and ARRL ARISS Liaison Rosalie
White, K1STO, reminded the gathering: "The ARISS Team has always stressed
that ARISS equals education."


Contributions to the ARRL Spectrum Defense Fund have made it possible for
the League to successfully confront challenges that could mean a loss in ham
band access or usability. In kicking off the 2007 Spectrum Defense Campaign
<>, ARRL Chief Development Officer Mary
Hobart, K1MMH, pointed out that the ARRL has accomplished a great deal in
the spectrum defense arena in the decade since the League first appealed for
voluntary contributions to the Fund for the Defense of Amateur Radio
Frequencies. She cited such challenges as the Little LEOs that threatened 2
meters several years ago as well as the more recent interference potential
posed by BPL and the League's decision to appeal certain aspects of the
FCC's BPL rules.

"Members tell us how important it is that ARRL continue to be their voice
and work on their behalf, especially in Washington," she said. "We know that
the challenges will keep coming, and we must be prepared to meet them, and
that takes money, plain and simple." The League is hoping to raise an
additional $250,000 by December 31 to fund its frequency defense activities.

Hobart said the League's BPL court appeal is "a very important step" on
behalf of ARRL members and the Amateur Radio community. "This legal
challenge to the FCC's BPL orders will demand time, energy and significant
funding by the ARRL," she emphasized. "Contributions to the Spectrum Defense
Fund will help immeasurably. And the time to contribute is now."

In an appeal to members, ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ says it was the shift
to more-frequent ITU World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRCs) 10 years
ago that drove the League and the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)
to change how it prepared for the international gatherings.

"We had to assemble a permanent team, partly staff and partly volunteer, to
ensure that the interests of the Amateur Radio Service would be adequately
represented on an ongoing basis," he said. The ARRL Technical Relations
Office has been staffed to address the recurring challenges of WRCs and to
maintain IARU representation at important conferences, Sumner noted. Another
WRC takes place in 2007.

The most dramatic achievement, Sumner said, has been improvements gained at
WRC-03 in the 40 meter band. "For the first time in history, broadcasters
are moving to accommodate the needs of another radio service," he noted.
"Beginning in 2009, the amount of 40 meter spectrum that's free of
interference from high-powered shortwave broadcasts is scheduled to double."

This will mean a worldwide 40 meter allocation of 200 kHz, largely obviating
the need for US radio amateurs to operate "split" when working phone
stations in other ITU regions.

"Without generous contributions to the Fund for the Defense of Amateur Radio
Frequencies, we couldn't have done it," Sumner said. "Membership dues alone
can't be stretched far enough to cover everything we must do to protect and
improve radio amateurs' access to the radio spectrum." That, he stressed,
takes the support of thousands of League members willing and able to go the
extra mile by supplementing their dues.

Other accomplishments include the League's successful petition to obtain the
five channels in the vicinity of 5 MHz. The ARRL recently asked the FCC to
improve ham radio's access to 60 meters by relaxing the power restriction
and permitting additional modes, including PSK31 and CW.

Sumner also mentioned the League's experimental license to permit an Amateur
Radio group to investigate spectrum in the vicinity of 500 kHz. At the same
time, the ARRL is making a case for establishing amateur allocations above
275 GHz, an issue the ITU will take up in a few years.

The ARRL wants to ensure that individuals will always earn meaningful access
to the radio spectrum when they qualify for an Amateur Radio license, Sumner
concluded. "A healthy Amateur Radio Service -- one that delivers emergency
and public service communications, technical training and advancement, and
international goodwill -- is priceless!"

Voluntary contributions to ARRL are tax-deductible for federal tax purposes
to the extent permitted by law. For more information, contact ARRL Chief
Development Officer Mary Hobart K1MMH <>;.


The issue of FCC inaction on Amateur Radio proceedings highlighted the
report of ARRL President Joel Harrison, W5ZN, to the ARRL Executive
Committee (EC), which met October 7 in Memphis, Tennessee. In his report,
Harrison said the FCC's lack of action on pending Amateur Radio-related rule
makings important was impeding progress. While the FCC did release a Report
and Order in the so-called "omnibus" Amateur Radio proceeding shortly after
the committee met, Harrison noted that the amateur community was still
awaiting a Report and Order in WT Docket 05-235, which deals with the Morse
code requirement. Harrison said Amateur Radio is not alone in suffering the
impact of FCC inertia and that other services also are unhappy.

During the session, ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, reviewed other
strategies the League is pursuing to combat harmful interference from BPL
systems. These include legislative initiatives and aggressive pursuit of
complaints in cases of ongoing interference from the few BPL systems now
operational. It was noted that PowerGrid Communications has launched a BPL
trial in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, that is causing serious interference to HF

The EC also discussed and approved plans to pursue a judicial appeal of
certain aspects of the FCC's 2004 and 2006 BPL orders. The League
subsequently filed notice to appeal with the US Court of Appeals for the DC

Committee members devoted the bulk of the session to reviewing and revising
the output of the Board of Directors' July 22 strategic planning session.
The EC voted unanimously to recommend adoption of the revised Strategic Plan
draft by mail vote and selected several strategies to include in the 2007
operational plan.

In other matters, the EC reviewed a draft of the Petition for Rule Making
seeking improvements in Amateur Radio privileges in the 60-meter band. The
petition was filed with the FCC October 11.

Harrison's report further noted that ARRL and International Amateur Radio
Union (IARU) have been working to support Amateur Radio's interests at World
Radiocommunication Conference 2007 (WRC-07). The conference agenda includes
a review of the frequencies from 4 to 10 MHz. He pointed out that the
League's prime objective is to defend gains made at WRC-03 and prevent any
loss of spectrum in ITU Region 2 (the Americas). There may be an opportunity
to pursue additional improvements as well, he said.

ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ, discussed legislative objectives the Board of
Directors adopted for the 109th Congress. He suggested that it was time for
a "zero base" review of the League's legislative objectives for the 110th
Congress, which convenes in January. He recommended that objectives be
rendered in plain language rather than as resolutions. The Board will
consider a draft when it meets in January.

The EC designated "Dee" Logan, W1HEO, as the recipient of the 2006 Philip J.
McGan Silver Antenna Award in recognition of his public relations
achievements in promoting Amateur Radio. The Committee also observed a
moment of silence in memory of Midwest Division Director and EC member Wade
Walstrom, W0EJ, who died August 31.

Minutes of the ARRL Executive Committee meeting are available on the ARRL
Web site <>.


Past ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Director and Vice Director Marshall Quiat,
AG0X, of Denver, Colorado, died October 15. He was 84 and an ARRL Life
Member. Following Quiat's board service, the ARRL Board of Directors in 2000
elected him as an ARRL Honorary Vice President. ARRL General Counsel Chris
Imlay, W3KD, said Quiat -- an attorney, former judge and state legislator --
also was a notable contributor to Amateur Radio antenna law.

"He pioneered some arguments in Colorado antenna cases in the 1970s, and he
and Bob Booth, W3PS (SK), collaborated closely on those cases," Imlay
recounted. "Marshall used Bob as an expert witness, and the cases generally
worked out very well." Imlay noted that Quiat was the nephew of the League's
first General Counsel Paul Segal, W9EEA, a pioneer communications lawyer.

Quiat stepped down as Rocky Mountain Vice Director for health reasons in
2000 after swapping seats with Walt Stinson, W0CP, who was elected as Rocky
Mountain Division Director in 1998.

Quiat served as Vice Director from 1981 until 1987, as Director from 1987
until 1999 and as Vice Director until August 2000. In addition, he served as
an ARRL Foundation Director from 1994 until 1999.

Among other accomplishments, Quiat chaired the Legal Strategy Committee
appointed in 1986, and he served as a member of the Part 97 Rewrite
Committee in 1988. He also was instrumental in the success of the League's
PRB-1 effort. He once chaired the Membership Services Committee and served
on the Volunteer Resources Committee.

ARRL First Vice President Kay Craigie, N3KN, recalled Quiat as having a
sharp intellect and a "great passion for doing the right thing for the
League and Amateur Radio." One of his contributions, she said, was the
development of the League's Alternative Dispute Resolution (mediation and
arbitration) service.

ARRL Dakota Division Director Jay Bellows, K0QB, also a fellow attorney,
waxed poetic in reminiscing about Quiat. "The wild and untamed snow-white
mane capping knowing twinkling eyes and an impish grin were a dead giveaway
that Marshall Quiat was one of those true characters you just had to know: a
man of a thousand stories, frequently true, invariably pertinent and almost
always funny," he commented. 

Quiat was always ready to lend a helping hand, Bellows said. Even before
Bellows joined the ARRL Board, Imlay advised him to contact Quiat regarding
the landmark Pentel v City of Mendota Heights Amateur Radio antenna case,
then headed for appeal to the US Eighth District Circuit Court. Bellows was
handling the case pro bono. 

"From the first call he was a willing ear and an invaluable source of sound
advice and ever present wit throughout the appeal," Bellows said. The Pentel
appeal ultimately reaffirmed the "reasonable accommodation" and "minimum
necessary regulation" principles of PRB-1.

A memorial service will be held November 1, 1:30 PM, at Grant Humphries
Mansion, 770 Pennsylvania St, Denver.


Sunspot seeker Tad "Who Let the Spots Out?" Cook, K7RA, Seattle, Washington,
reports: Early on this day before the CQ World Wide DX Contest (SSB)
<>, conditions are
stable and quiet. After the sunspot number rose to 50 this week following
eight days of no sunspots, the average daily sunspot number increased from
zip to 23.3. Unfortunately, the stable, quiet conditions are not expected to
last through the contest.

Predicted planetary A index for Friday through Monday, October 27-30, is 10,
20, 10 and 5. Geophysical Institute Prague calls for unsettled conditions
today, October 27, unsettled to active on October 28, quiet to unsettled on
October 29-30, and back to quiet conditions for October 31 through November
2. Also, on Thursday, October 26, the sunspot number was back to zero. Don't
be surprised if we see no sunspots through the weekend and beyond. 

For more information concerning radio propagation, see the ARRL Technical
Information Service's Propagation page

Sunspot numbers for October 19 through 25 were 14, 15, 16, 18, 50, 35 and
15, with a mean of 23.3. 10.7 cm flux was 69.6, 71.1, 74.7, 75.8, 76.4,
74.8, and 74.7, with a mean of 73.9. Estimated planetary A indices were 2,
10, 15, 13, 3, 4 and 4, with a mean of 7.3. Estimated mid-latitude A indices
were 1, 9, 10, 12, 2, 3 and 4, with a mean of 5.9.



* This weekend on the radio: The CQ Worldwide DX Contest (SSB), the eXtreme
CW World-Wide Challenge, and the 10-10 International Fall Contest are the
weekend of October 28-29. JUST AHEAD: The ARRL November Sweepstakes (CW),
the North American Collegiate ARC Championship (CW), the IPARC Contest
(CW/SSB), the PSK63 Sprint, the Ukrainian DX Contest, the High Speed Club CW
Contest, and the DARC 10-Meter Digital Contest are the weekend of November
4-5. The ARS Spartan Sprint is November 7. See the ARRL Contest Branch page
<> and the WA7BNM Contest Calendar
<> for more info.

* ARRL Certification and Continuing Education course registration:
Registration remains open through Sunday, November 5, for these ARRL
Certification and Continuing Education program (CCE) on-line courses
beginning Friday, November 17. Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Level
2 (EC-002), Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Level 3 (EC-003R2),
Antenna Modeling (EC-004), HF Digital Communications (EC-005), VHF/UHF --
Life Beyond the Repeater (EC-008), and Radio Frequency Propagation (EC-011).
These courses will also open for registration Friday, November 3, for
classes beginning Friday, December 15. To learn more, visit the CCE Course
Listing page ,> or contact the CCE
Department <>;.

* Eagles-autographed guitar among ARRL On-Line Auction offerings: A Jasmine
S33 acoustic guitar autographed by the members of The Eagles is among the
many items up for bid during the first ARRL On-Line Auction
<>, which continues through 4 PM Eastern
Time on Friday, November 3. The guitar bears the signatures of Joe Walsh,
WB6ACU -- who donated the guitar for the auction -- Glen Frey, Don Henley
and Timothy B. Schmit. The winning bidder will receive a letter of
authenticity and the black hardshell carrying case. As the auction debuted,
ARRL Business Services Manager Deb Jahnke, K1DAJ, reported that upward of
3000 bidders already had registered. Auction proceeds will benefit ARRL
educational programs including activities to license new hams, strengthen
Amateur Radio's emergency communication training, offer continuing technical
and operating education through distance learning courses, and develop
instructional and educational materials.

* Hurricane Watch Net announces new leadership: Dave Lefavour, W7GOX, an
ARRL member who lives in Los Lunas, New Mexico, is the new manager of the
Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) <>. He succeeds Mike Pilgrim,
K5MP. Pilgrim stepped down earlier this month for personal reasons. "It has
been my pleasure over the past few years to have each of you as a loyal
supporter of our activities," Pilgrim said this week in a message to ARRL,
the FCC and SATERN. "I invite you to welcome Dave onboard and to extend to
him that same level of cooperation and support afforded me over the years."
He called Lefavour "a very capable, long-term member of HWN who has already
moved comfortably into my old chair." Pilgrim took over the HWN reins in
2002 from Jerry Herman, N3BDW. Pilgrim said he plans to remain active with
HWN in his capacity of president of HWN Inc, a tax-exempt support
corporation, and would be as active as possible during HWN operations.
Established in 1965 during Hurricane Betsy by Jerry Murphy, K8YUW, the HWN
convenes on 14.325 MHz whenever a hurricane is within 300 miles of projected
landfall or becomes a serious threat to a populated area. The HWN works in
conjunction with WX4NHC <> at the National Hurricane
Center in Miami to relay ground-level weather data to forecasters.

* US Coast Guard Auxiliary announces "Special Event Radio Day": The US Coast
Guard Auxiliary (USCGA) will hold a "Special Event Radio Day"
<> Saturday, October 28, to support
the International Search and Rescue Competition (ISAR 2006)
<> and the 67th Anniversary of the US Coast
Guard Auxiliary. More than two dozen USCGA Amateur Radio stations will be
active on HF, many from US Coast Guard Bases. A special QSL card is
available for contacting any USCGA station and sending an SASE.

* GB500KCS operation to celebrate centenary: The Radio Officers' Association
<> has announced plans to operate special event
station GB500KCS to mark the centenary of the Berlin International Wireless
Telegraphy Convention. Operation on CW from the Lizard Marconi Wireless
Station will run 0000-2400 UTC, Friday, November 3. Operation on CW and SSB
will take place from the Poldhu Marconi Centre Saturday, 0700 to 1700 UTC
(and possibly later) November 4. The 1906 Berlin convention established 500
kHz as the international maritime calling and distress frequency and SOS as
the distress signal. The special event has a secondary agenda to launch the
Association's campaign to have 500 kHz recognized as a worldwide "heritage"

The ARRL Letter is published Fridays, 50 times each year, by the American
Radio Relay League: ARRL--the National Association For Amateur Radio, 225
Main St, Newington, CT 06111; tel 860-594-0200; fax 860-594-0259;
<>. Joel Harrison, W5ZN, President.

The ARRL Letter offers a weekly e-mail digest of essential and general news
of interest to active radio amateurs. Visit the ARRL Web site
<> for the latest Amateur Radio news and news updates.
The ARRL Web site <> also offers informative features
and columns. ARRL Audio News <> is a
weekly "ham radio newscast" compiled and edited from The ARRL Letter. It's
also available as a podcast from our Web site.

Material from The ARRL Letter may be republished or reproduced in whole or
in part in any form without additional permission. Credit must be given to
The ARRL Letter/American Radio Relay League.

==>Delivery problems (ARRL member direct delivery only!):
==>Editorial questions or comments: Rick Lindquist, N1RL,
==>ARRL News on the Web: <>
==>ARRL Audio News: <> or call

==>How to Get The ARRL Letter

The ARRL Letter is available to ARRL members free of charge directly from
ARRL HQ. To subscribe, unsubscribe or change your address for e-mail
ARRL members first must register on the Members Only Web Site
<>. You'll have an opportunity during
registration to sign up for e-mail delivery of The ARRL Letter, W1AW
bulletins, and other material. To change these selections--including
delivery of The ARRL Letter--registered members should click on the "Member
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change your e-mail delivery address. You must do this yourself via the
Members Only Web Site.)

The ARRL Letter also is available to all, free of charge, from these

* ARRLWeb <>. (NOTE: The ARRL Letter will be
posted each Friday when it is distributed via e-mail.)

* The listserver, thanks to volunteers from the Boston Amateur Radio
Club: Visit Mailing Lists@QTH.Net
<>. (NOTE: The ARRL
cannot assist subscribers who receive The ARRL Letter via this listserver.) 


The ARRL Letter

The ARRL Letter offers a weekly summary of essential news of interest to active amateurs that is available in advance of publication in QST, our official journal. The ARRL Letter strives to be timely, accurate, concise and readable.

Much of the ARRL Letter content is also available in audio form in ARRL Audio News.

Material from The ARRL Letter may be republished or reproduced in whole or in part in any form without additional permission. Credit must be given to The ARRL Letter and The American Radio Relay League.

Back issues published since 2000 are available on this page. If you wish to subscribe via e-mail, simply log on to the ARRL Web site, click on Edit Your Profile at the top, then click on Edit Email Subscriptions. Check the box next to The ARRL email newsletter, the ARRL Letter and you will receive each weekly issue in HTML format. You can unsubscribe at any time.

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Editorial questions or comments: John E. Ross, KD8IDJ, at


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