*************** The ARRL Letter Vol. 24, No. 08 February 25, 2005 *************** IN THIS EDITION: * +New Spectrum Protection bill introduced in US House * +Consent decree ends FCC enforcement action on interference * +Maine high schoolers speak with space station via ham radio * +2005 Amateur Radio Hurricane Conference draws a crowd * +Amateur Radio saves one of its own * +New section managers start this spring in three ARRL sections * +League honors Dayton Hamvention committee * Solar Update * IN BRIEF: This weekend on the radio ARRL Certification and Continuing Education course registration ARRL to sponsor emergency communications seminar at SEA-PAC +"Cardless" 5BDXCC testimony to Logbook of the World's value WRTC 2006 Web site open Microwave Update 2005 issues call for papers Notable Silent Keys +Available on ARRL Audio News =========================================================== ==>AMATEUR RADIO SPECTRUM PROTECTION ACT OF 2005 INTRODUCED At the urging of the ARRL, Rep Michael Bilirakis (R-FL) has introduced The Amateur Radio Spectrum Act of 2005 into the US House of Representatives. The bill, designated HR 691, has been referred to the House Energy and Commerce Committee where Bilirakis serves as vice chairman. Like previous versions of the proposal, the current measure would require the FCC to provide "equivalent replacement spectrum" to Amateur Radio if the FCC reallocates primary amateur frequencies, reduces any secondary amateur allocations, or makes additional allocations within such bands that would substantially reduce their utility to amateurs. ARRL President Jim Haynie, W5JBP, expressed his appreciation to Bilirakis this week. "As president of the American Radio League and on behalf of the more than 670,000 federally licensed Amateur Radio operators throughout the country, I would like to thank you for once again sponsoring the 'Amateur Radio Spectrum Protection Act,'" Haynie told the Florida Republican. "As you know, this legislation is vital for ensuring that the Amateur Radio Service, the only 100-percent fail safe emergency communication capability, remains a viable public safety option." HR 691 references Amateur Radio's role in providing "voluntary, noncommercial radio service, particularly emergency communications," and it points out that hams have "consistently and reliably" provided communication support in the event of emergencies and disasters including tornadoes and hurricanes, chemical spills, forest fires and rail accidents. As the measure notes, FCC actions already have led to the loss of at least 107 MHz of spectrum to radio amateurs. Rep Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) has signed on as the bill's first co-sponsor. Bartlett chairs the Projection Forces Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee. One of three scientists in the 109th Congress, Bartlett also is a senior member of the House Science Committee. Efforts now will focus on attracting additional cosponsors for the legislation. The League is encouraging members to urge their congressional representatives to sign aboard HR 691. A sample letter is available on the ARRL Web site <http://www.arrl.org/govrelations/hr-691-sample-letter.html>. More than 100 lawmakers agreed to cosponsor similar legislation in the 108th Congress, where it was designated HR 713. Work is proceeding to have identical legislation introduced in the US Senate. The text of HR 691 is available on the Government Printing Office Web site <http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=109_cong_bills&do cid=f:h691ih.txt.pdf>. For general guidance on the best methods of contacting your members of Congress, see "Communicating with Congress," by Derek Riker, KB3JLF, on the ARRL Web site <http://www.arrl.org/news/bandthreat/0304046.pdf>. ==>ARRL HOPES CONSENT DECREE WILL REDUCE INTERFERENCE COMPLAINTS The FCC has agreed to terminate enforcement action against an importer and marketer of heated mattress pads and blankets--and associated external switching power supplies--in exchange for the company's signature on a Consent Decree. The case involved numerous interference complaints from Amateur Radio operators and others related to consumer products marketed by Perfect Fit Industries (PFI) of Charlotte, North Carolina. "The Enforcement Bureau and PFI have negotiated the terms of a Consent Decree that would resolve this matter and terminate the investigation," the FCC announced in releasing an Order in the proceeding February 10. The Order includes a copy of the Consent Decree. PFI also will make a "voluntary contribution" of $7000 to the US treasury. ARRL Laboratory Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineer Mike Gruber, W1MG, said the League has been receiving an increasing number of reports from radio amateurs about interference from modern switching-type power supplies. Ironically, one complaint came from Gruber's boss--ARRL Lab Manager Ed Hare, W1RFI, whose wife had purchased one of the blankets. Hare says a further irony involves the FCC's reaction in this case to an apparent Part 15 emissions violation. "It's paradoxical that an electric blanket marketer is getting this level of FCC attention for a conducted emission that's less than 1 percent of the power level BPL manufacturers have told the FCC they use in their installations," he commented. The ARRL Lab examined one of the offending blankets, which emitted a ticking sound even while turned off but still plugged into the ac outlet. Gruber noted that many products of this type appear to be made overseas and do not carry the required labeling described in Part 15 of the FCC's rules. Owing to negligence or ignorance of the FCC requirements for conducted and radiated emissions limits, he says, some of these devices may operate at levels significantly higher than the rules permit. "We hope this case will serve as a reminder to other manufacturers that their switching supplies need to be tested for compliance with the rules and carry the proper labeling as required by Part 15," Gruber said. But, he added, FCC's Part 15 limits are not a cure-all for interference--an assertion borne out in other cases involving interference from unlicensed devices such as broadband over power line (BPL) interference or common power line noise. "On the contrary, the limits are set high enough that interference--as was seen in cases involving these products--is likely," he pointed out. "Part 15 requires that operators of unlicensed devices that cause harmful interference must take whatever steps are necessary to correct the interference or cease operation whenever interference occurs." As part of the Consent Decree, PFI will put into place an FCC "Regulatory Compliance Plan" with an eye toward ensuring future compliance. Among other things, the company will have to designate a compliance officer to administer the plan. PFI further agreed to replace free of charge any noncompliant mattress pad or heated blanket with a compliant product upon receipt of an interference complaint. In addition, PFI will agree that its electric mattress pads and blankets and associated external switching power supplies will comply with FCC Part 2 and Part 15 rules before they're imported and marketed. The Consent Decree is good for three years. Signing the Consent Decree for the FCC was Enforcement Bureau Chief David H. Solomon. PFI President and CEO Louis R. Morris signed on the company's behalf. Sound recordings of the electric blanket and mattress pad RFI are available on the RF Noise Identification Web site <http://ve3hls.tripod.com/noise/rfihome.html> operated by VE3HLS. ==>PINE TREE STATE LOGS FIRST SCHOOL GROUP QSO WITH SPACE STATION "Good to be talking to you all. Welcome Rockland District High School in Rockland, Maine, from the International Space Station!" With those words, ISS Expedition 10 Commander Leroy Chiao, KE5BRW, kicked off an approximately 10-minute Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact on February 14 between NA1SS and W1PBR--the call sign of the Pen Bay Amateur Radio Club. It was the first ARISS school group QSO with a Maine school. Given that state's typically colder climate, it was perhaps no surprise that one student wanted to know how the ISS is heated. "Space can be either very cold or very hot if you're in the direct sunlight, and the station has several control systems that help regulate the temperature inside--and we can actually set that temperature," Chiao explained. He said because the onboard equipment generates heat in addition to what the spacecraft absorbs from exposure to the sun, maintaining a comfortable living environment comes down to shedding heat to outside radiators. "So, depending on how much he we remove, we can control the temperature inside," he said. Responding to another student's question, Chiao said it's true that the ISS crew sleeps in bunks that stand along the walls of the station. "We have what we call a 'sleep station,' and they're basically phone booth-size little boxes," Chiao said. There's one in the US segment and one in the Russian module. Their size isn't confining, however. "They're pretty small, but it's enough for a little privacy at night. You can get in there with your sleeping bag and your computer and watch movies or listen to music or read an electronic book," Chiao added. With respect to the amount of room aboard the ISS, Chiao told another student that while there's not as much room in their space quarters as there is on the ground, the crew members quickly get used to it. "Especially in weightlessness, you can get to all three dimensions," Chiao said. "You're not just confined to walking around on the floor." Being able to float from place to place also makes more efficient use of the available space, he noted. "It's really not bad at all." Part of Maine School Administrative District 5, Rockland District High School, with an enrollment of approximately 500, draws students from that mid-coast Maine city as well as from the neighboring towns of Thomaston and Owl's Head. Those participating in the ARISS contact are taking or have completed an integrated science course covering environmental and earth science, including astronomy. In all, the high schoolers got to ask 13 questions before the ISS went out of radio range. Handling Earth station duties were George Caswell, W1ME, and Norm Smith, NY1B, with help from members of the Pen Bay ARC. The contact also was retransmitted over a local repeater. The ARISS event had media coverage from at least two TV stations and one newspaper. Some 400 students and visitors were on hand in the audience. ARISS is an international educational outreach program with US participation by ARRL, AMSAT and NASA. ==>STANDING ROOM ONLY AT 2005 AMATEUR RADIO HURRICANE CONFERENCE ARRL Emergency Communications Course Manager Dan Miller, K3UFG, represented the League at the 10th annual Amateur Radio Hurricane Conference February 5 at the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami <http://www.wx4nhc.org/>. He reports upward of 75 visitors--nearly all of them radio amateurs--turned out for the event. Scheduled in conjunction with the Miami Tropical Hamboree, which Miller also attended, the conference provided an opportunity to review the busy 2004 hurricane season and to discuss Amateur Radio's role to support emergency communication. "This was a phenomenal meeting," commented Miller, who delivered a presentation at the conference on ham radio's hurricane and tsunami-related activities. "Because 2004 was one for the record books, comments, reports and pictures from the people who live in the islands and in the affected areas of Florida, were that much more meaningful." Miller said the consensus at the gathering was that despite the best efforts to prepare, no one imagined the onslaught witnessed last year. Among featured speakers was Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) <http://www.hwn.org/> Manager Mike Pilgrim, K5MP. The HWN and the center's WX4NHC work hand-in-hand to funnel real-time weather data to NHC forecasters via Amateur Radio. The HWN Web site recorded more than 55 million hits during September alone! The conference agenda also included reports from many areas affected by the 2004 hurricanes, including the Cayman Islands; Grenada; Marsh Harbour, Abacos, and, of course, Florida. NHC Hurricane Specialist Stacy Stewart told the gathering how each storm presented varied characteristics and explained how computer modeling is not always right on the money in projecting a hurricane's path. Newly appointed Southern Florida Section Emergency Coordinator Jeff Beals, WA4AW, spoke about the Holiday Hams video, which chronicled the overwhelmingly successful ARRL Holiday Toy Drive to benefit youngsters affected by the Florida hurricanes. NHC Amateur Radio Coordinator John McHugh, K4AG, and Assistant Coordinator Julio Ripoll, WD4R, served as conference hosts. ==>HAM RADIO SAVES A HAM IN ALASKA Two Alaskan hikers on a day outing in rugged mountains near Anchorage saw their afternoon turn into something entirely unexpected February 12. One of them--Jesse Jones, KL1RK--slipped and fell more than 200 feet down a steep ravine, losing his snowshoes in the process. Jones found himself trapped between a low overhang on one side and a swift-moving stream on the other. Even worse was the fact that his descent could continue into the water at any moment, and almost certain death from hypothermia. With more than 10 feet on the ground, the loss of his snowshoes meant he could not walk out. On the plus side, Jones had taken along his 2-meter handheld transceiver. After several unsuccessful tries, he finally was able to access the wide-area WL7CVG repeater atop Mt Susitna, almost 40 miles distant. "As a control operator for the repeater, I heard his weak 'Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!' call just a few minutes after 4 PM local time," reports Jim Wiley, KL7CC. "I immediately called 911 and was placed in contact with the local fire department rescue coordinator. I was able to pass on Jesse's messages to the local rescue coordinator, including coordinates from a GPS unit he was carrying." Wiley says the rescue coordinator's office called out the local mountain rescue group and the Alaska State Troopers, who immediately left for the scene. The rescue team met with Jones's climbing partner, who had been able to hike out to a place where he could assist the rescuers. Jones was able to keep in touch via 2 meters to report his condition, but his signal into the repeater was marginal. Although uninjured, the sub-zero cold was numbing his extremities to the point that he was having trouble operating his transceiver. Unable to execute the rescue themselves, the team called an Air National Guard unit, which flew a helicopter to the scene. While the presence of high-voltage power lines just above Jones' position complicated matters, the chopper was able to lower some para-rescue jumpers to a nearby location, from which they could rappel to his position and, after a few hours, extricate him. Briefly hospitalized for a checkup, Jones was released just before midnight, cold and a bit hungry, but otherwise okay. Wiley says several local hams also assisted the effort, either directly or by their connection with local emergency service groups. Additional details of the rescue and photos are available on the ARRL Web site <http://www.arrl.org/news/features/2005/02/24/1/>. ==>NEW SECTION MANAGERS START APRIL 1 IN ARKANSAS, NORTH TEXAS AND ARIZONA The ARRL North Texas, Arkansas and Arizona sections will get new Section Managers this spring. Ballots cast in the two contested races of the current Section Manager (SM) election cycle were counted and verified February 22 at ARRL Headquarters. New terms of office for successful candidates begin April 1. In the North Texas Section, Tom Blackwell, N5GAR, outpolled incumbent SM Roy Rabey, AD5KZ, 853 to 586. Rabey has served as SM since 2003. A resident of Dallas, Blackwell has served as State Government Liaison for eight years under previous SMs. In Arkansas, David Norris, K5UZ, won the open SM slot 353 to 199 over Terry Busby, W5ARS. Norris, who lives in Batesville, has served as an ARRL Assistant SM for eight years, is active in ARES and RACES and is an avid DXer and contester. He'll succeed Dennis Schaefer, W5RZ, who has served since 2003 and did not seek a new term. In Arizona, Tom Fagan, WB7NXH, will take over the reins from Cliff Hauser, KD6XH, who did not seek a new term after serving for 12 years. Fagan, who had no opposition, now serves as Technical Coordinator and has served as Arizona Section Emergency Coordinator for the past two years. He also has held Emergency Coordinator and District Emergency Coordinator positions. Incumbent SMs in four other ARRL sections also ran unopposed and will continue in office for new two-year terms. They are Jim Lasley, N0JL, Iowa; John Meyers, NB4K, Kentucky; Malcolm Keown, W5XX, Mississippi, and Carl Gardenias, WU6D, Orange. Since no candidates have sought to run for the Montana, Puerto Rico and Wyoming SM positions, nominations will be resolicited in the April issue of QST. ==>ARRL RECOGNIZES DAYTON HAMVENTION COMMITTEE The ARRL has recognized members of the 2005 Dayton Hamvention Committee. ARRL Great Lakes Director Jim Weaver, K8JE, presented a special award during the committee's February 8 planning session in Dayton. Reading from the citation, Weaver said, "This award is presented to the 2005 Hamvention Committee and Gary Des Combes, N8EMO, General Chairman, in appreciation of your invitation to host the 2005 ARRL National Convention." Des Combes, who's serving his second year as general chairman, accepted the award on the committee's behalf. Celebrating its 54th show, Dayton Hamvention, May 20-22, has set aside a large area in the Hara Arena complex--the Ballarena near the 400-number booths--for "ARRL EXPO 2005," a special exhibit dedicated entirely to the ARRL National Convention. ARRL EXPO 2005 will showcase ARRL programs and services. Hamvention admission will include access to ARRL EXPO 2005. The official ARRL National Convention Web site <http://www.arrl.org/expo> has more information. Sponsored by Dayton Amateur Radio Association, Dayton Hamvention is the world's largest Amateur Radio gathering and trade show. Tickets and additional information are available via the Dayton Hamvention Web site <http://www.hamvention.org/>. ==>SOLAR UPDATE Solar flash Tad "Walking on the Sun" Cook, K7RA, Seattle, Washington, reports: Average daily geomagnetic indices for the week were slightly higher, and the average daily sunspot numbers and solar flux were down markedly. Average daily sunspot numbers dropped nearly 30 points to 45.4, and average daily solar flux slipped nearly 19 points to 97.3. This weekend is the CQ World Wide 160 Meter Contest (SSB), and for 160 meters we hope for quiet geomagnetic conditions. The latest forecast for February 25-27 is for a planetary A index of 15, 20 and 20. The Prague Geophysical Institute projects active geomagnetic conditions for February 26, and unsettled to active for February 25 and 27. Sunspot numbers and solar flux should remain quite low. Predicted solar flux for February 25-27 is 80, and flux values are not expected to rise above 100 until around March 9, and then only slightly. Sunspot numbers for February 17 through 23 were 51, 46, 51, 60, 33, 23 and 54, with a mean of 45.4. The 10.7 cm flux was 111.3, 104.2, 98.5, 95.7, 94.5, 92.3 and 84.6, with a mean of 97.3. Estimated planetary A indices were 6, 25, 14, 12, 8, 4 and 4 with a mean of 10.4. Estimated mid-latitude A indices were 7, 14, 8, 6, 4, 3 and 2, with a mean of 6.3. ==>IN BRIEF: * This weekend on the radio: The CQ 160-Meter Contest (SSB), the REF Contest (SSB), the UBA DX Contest (CW), the Mississippi and North Carolina QSO parties, the CZEBRIS Contest, the North American QSO Party (RTTY), the High Speed Club CW Contest, and the CQC Winter QSO Party are the weekend of February 26-27. JUST AHEAD: The AGCW YL-CW Party is March 1. The ARRL International DX Contest (SSB), the Wake-Up! QRP Sprint and the Open Ukraine RTTY Championship are the weekend of March 5-6. The DARC 10-Meter Digital Contest is March 6, the RSGB 80-Meter Club Championship (Data) is March 7, the ARS Spartan Sprint is March 8, and the Pesky Texan Armadillo Chase is March 10. See the ARRL Contest Branch page <http://www.arrl.org/contests/> and the WA7BNM Contest Calendar <http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/index.html> for more info. * ARRL Certification and Continuing Education course registration: Registration for the ARRL HF Digital Communication (EC-005) and VHF/UHF--Beyond the Repeater (EC-008) courses remains open through Sunday, February 27. Classes begin Friday March 11. Students participating in VHF/UHF--Beyond the Repeater (EC-008) will enjoy exploring some of the lesser-used and more intriguing aspects of VHF/UHF operation. HF Digital Communication students will learn to use a variety of HF digital modes. To learn more, visit the ARRL Certification and Continuing Education (CCE) Web page <http://www.arrl.org/cce/> or contact the ARRL CCE Department <cce@arrl.org>. * ARRL to sponsor emergency communications seminar at SEA-PAC: The ARRL will offer a free Amateur Radio Emergency Communications seminar Friday, June 17, 1-5 PM, in conjunction with SEA-PAC--the ARRL Northwest Division Convention--in Seaside, Oregon. This seminar is not an emergency communications course. It is about Amateur Radio emergency communications from a national perspective. ARRL Emergency Communications Course Manager Dan Miller, K3UFG, says the seminar will focus on ways to better meet the increasing demand for ham radio operators to assist in emergency communication activities. ARES/RACES leadership, ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications course graduates, mentors, instructors and prospective students are encouraged to attend this open, interactive presentation. Seating for this seminar may be limited. If you plan to attend, contact Dan Miller, K3UFG, k3ufg@arrl.org; 860-594-0340; fax 860-594-0259. Handouts and door prizes will be available to all attendees. Seminar attendance does not include admission to SEA-PAC <http://www.seapac.org/>, which runs June 17-19. * "Cardless" Five-Band DXCC testimony to Logbook of the World's value: New Hampshire contest station KC1XX (chief op Matt Strelow) recently achieved Five-Band DXCC solely through contact data submitted to the ARRL's Logbook of the World (LoTW). With more than 255,000 QSOs already in the worldwide contact database, KC1XX recently was able to confirm 100 DXCC entities on 80 meters to qualify for the award. Because most participants have linked their DXCC data into LoTW, it is not always possible to determine band totals derived solely from Logbook confirmations. Major contest stations like KC1XX serve to demonstrate the value of participating in LoTW, however, because these stations frequently do not have DXCC, and their totals are due entirely to LoTW-verified contacts. The largely single-op contesting and DX station of John Sluymer, VE3EJ, in Ontario also has qualified for 5BDXCC through LoTW-verified QSOs, while several others are closing in on achieving 5BDXCC using the same route. Meanwhile, Brian Alsop, K3KO, in North Carolina, has already confirmed 221 DXCC entities entirely via LoTW. * WRTC 2006 Web site open: World Radiosport Team Championship 2006 (WRTC 2006), which will take place in Brazil in conjunction with the Liga de Amadores de Radio Emissão (LABRE) and the Araucaria DX Group (GADX), now has an official Web site <http://www.wrtc2006.com/>. Although some sections remain under construction, the site does include draft rules, still subject to final approval. Following in the footsteps of previous WRTC competitions held in Seattle, San Francisco, Slovenia, and Finland, the WRTC showcases Amateur Radio competition at its highest level, pitting two-person teams of the world's top operators for the gold, silver and bronze. WRTC 2006 will take place July 7-10 in the vicinity of Florianopolis, the capital of Santa Catarina State in Southern Brazil. Atilano de Oms, PY5EG, heads the WRTC 2006 Steering Committee. The WRTC brings competitors together in a single geographical area. The on-the-air portion of the event is held in conjunction with the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) HF World Championship, although WRTC rules differ in some respects from those of the IARU event, and scoring is done separately. WRTC stations run 100 W and have comparably modest antenna systems--typically a dipole for the low bands and a triband Yagi for the higher bands. The idea is to minimize the variables associated with radio contesting, thereby emphasizing each team's operating skills. The contesting duo of Jeff Steinman, N5TJ, and Dan Street, K1TO, took home the WRTC gold for the third time in the 2002 event in Finland. Teams have not yet been announced for the 2006 event. * Microwave Update 2005 issues call for papers: Microwave Update 2005 (MUD 2005) has issued its first call for papers. The conference will take place Thursday, October 27, through Sunday, October 30, at the Sheraton Cerritos Hotel in Cerritos, California--less than 10 miles north of Disneyland. The paramount conference on Amateur Radio experimentation above 1 GHz, MUD 2005 will be sponsored jointly by the San Bernardino Microwave Society (SBMS) and the Western States Weak Signal Society (WSWSS). It will include technical programs, a banquet and the opportunity to network with fellow microwave enthusiasts. MUD 2005 is a great opportunity to get your ideas and papers published, and you don't have to present your paper to have it included in the conference Proceedings. Electronic submissions via e-mail or on CD-ROM are welcome. The deadline to submit for publication in the Proceedings is September 5. Those interested in writing and/or presenting a paper for Microwave Update 2005 should submit an abstract or topic to Chip Angle, N6CA, PO Box 35, Lomita, CA 90717-0035; n6ca@ham-radio.com. Additional information on the conference is on the MUD 2005 Web site <http://www.ham-radio.com/sbms/mud-2005/>. * Notable Silent Keys: Lavene Vorel, WA4AZE, of St Petersburg, Florida, died January 14. He was 60. An ARRL member, Vorel was one of the engineers who designed the original Signal One amateur transceiver at Electronic Communications Inc. Dick Aspinwall, W7PV, of Seattle, Washington, died January 21. He was 90. An ARRL Life Member, Aspinwall founded Amateur Radio Supply in Georgetown in 1956 and operated it until 1989. Bob Lewis, VO1BL (ex-W4CKZ), of St Johns, Newfoundland, Canada, died January 28. He was 90. Born Clarence Louis Engelbrecht, he adopted the Lewis surname as a broadcaster. An active amateur for more than six decades, Lewis was a founding member of the Society of Newfoundland Radio Amateurs and of the Marconi Radio Club of Newfoundland. Despite health problems, he remained active on the air up to the day of his death. John Willig, W8ACE, of Sarasota, Florida, died January 30. He's credited with being the spark plug behind the Dayton Hamvention in the 1950s. Virginia ham radio pioneer Ted Mathewson, W4FJ, of Richmond died January 31. He was 100. An ARRL member, Mathews founded the Richmond Amateur Radio Club and served for many years as Virginia Army MARS director. He also was well-known within the amateur satellite and VHF/UHF communities. SSB pioneer Bob Moren, K4CX (ex-W8LDR and W4INL), of Boone, North Carolina, died February 3. He was 86. Licensed in 1932, Moren, an ARRL member, was among the first radio amateurs operating SSB in the late 1940s. He described his homebrew SSB gear in a March 1991 QST article. As W4INL, Moren was on one end of the first transpacific two-way SSB QSO with VK7DH in 1950. Other QST articles by Moren appeared in the 1950s and in 1991, the last describing his retirement center ham radio setup. His feature article, "Requiem for the Alligator Years," appeared on the ARRL Web site in 2001. Mary G. Dosland, W5DEW, of Moorhead, Minnesota, died February 8. She was 95. Mary Dosland was the widow of past ARRL President Goodwin L. Dosland, W0TSN (SK), who served from 1952 until 1962. He died in 1983. =========================================================== The ARRL Letter is published Fridays, 50 times each year, by the American Radio Relay League--The National Association For Amateur Radio--225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111; tel 860-594-0200; fax 860-594-0259; <http://www.arrl.org/>. Jim Haynie, W5JBP, President. The ARRL Letter offers a weekly e-mail digest of essential news of interest to active amateurs. The ARRL Letter strives to be timely, accurate, concise, and readable. Visit ARRLWeb <http://www.arrl.org/> for the latest news, updated as it happens. The ARRL Web site <http://www.arrl.org/> offers access to news, informative features and columns. ARRL Audio News <http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/audio/> is a weekly "ham radio newscast" compiled from The ARRL Letter. Material from The ARRL Letter may be republished or reproduced in whole or in part in any form without additional permission. Credit must be given to The ARRL Letter and The American Radio Relay League. ==>Delivery problems (ARRL member direct delivery only!): letter-dlvy@arrl.org ==>Editorial questions or comments: Rick Lindquist, N1RL, n1rl@arrl.org ==>ARRL News on the Web: <http://www.arrl.org/> ==>ARRL Audio News: <http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/audio/> or call 860-594-0384 ==>How to Get The ARRL Letter The ARRL Letter is available to ARRL members free of charge directly from ARRL HQ. To subscribe, unsubscribe or change your address for e-mail delivery: ARRL members first must register on the Members Only Web Site <http://www.arrl.org/members/>. You'll have an opportunity during registration to sign up for e-mail delivery of The ARRL Letter, W1AW bulletins, and other material. To change these selections--including delivery of The ARRL Letter--registered members should click on the "Member Data Page" link (in the Members Only box). Click on "Modify membership data," check or uncheck the appropriate boxes and/or change your e-mail address if necessary. (Check "Temporarily disable all automatically sent email" to temporarily stop all e-mail deliveries.) Then, click on "Submit modification" to make selections effective. (NOTE: HQ staff members cannot change your e-mail delivery address. You must do this yourself via the Members Only Web Site.) The ARRL Letter also is available to all, free of charge, from these sources: * ARRLWeb <http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/>. (NOTE: The ARRL Letter will be posted each Friday when it is distributed via e-mail.) * The QTH.net listserver, thanks to volunteers from the Boston Amateur Radio Club: Visit Mailing Lists@QTH.Net <http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/letter-list>. (NOTE: The ARRL cannot assist subscribers who receive The ARRL Letter via this listserver.)