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  • DXCC_logo.jpg

    03/15/2012 | ARRL Announces New DXCC Fee Structure

    The DX Century Club (DXCC) is the premier Amateur Radio operating award. Available to hams around the world, tens of thousands of awards have been issued since 1945 under the modern award program. In 2012, the DXCC program is not only still thriving, but
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    03/15/2012 | FCC Seeks to Modify Hawaiian Ham’s License

    On March 15, the FCC issued an Order Proposing Modification, seeking to change the license class of Todd Wilson, WH6DWF, of Honolulu, Hawaii, from General to Technician. The FCC stated that granting General class Amateur Radio operator privileges to Wilso
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    03/14/2012 | Hams in Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio Provide Support During and After Tornado Outbreak

    A devastating storm system moved across the United States on March 2, spawning a slew of tornadoes that contributed to at least 28 fatalities in Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio. These tornadoes followed an earlier outbreak that began on February 28 and left 13
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    03/14/2012 | Mark Your Calendars: It’s Time for the Spring FMT

    The Frequency Measuring Test (FMT) continues its successful “round-table” format when it takes to the airwaves on the evening of April 19 (April 20 UTC). The test moves to Thursday from the November FMT’s usual Wednesday evening, giving everyone an opport
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    03/13/2012 | The ARRL Homebrew Challenge III -- And the Winner Is…

    The previous ARRL Homebrew Challenges have been to build a 5 W PEP 40 meter sideband and CW transceiver (Homebrew Challenge I) and then a 50 W linear amplifier to follow it (Homebrew Challenge II). This third challenge moved up the spectrum into frequenci
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    03/12/2012 | W1AW Announces Spring Operating Schedule

    With the switch from Standard Time to Daylight Saving Time, W1AW Station Manager Joe Carcia, NJ1Q, has updated the W1AW operating schedule to reflect the change. Your local standard times have not changed, but the UTC times they reference have.
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    03/12/2012 | ARRL Warns Members to Be Aware of Bogus E-mails

    ARRL members with e-mail accounts have recently received bogus e-mails, notifying them of a bill that needs to be paid. The e-mail instructs the reader to click on a link to view the bill; clicking on the link could release a virus that can infec
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