Southeastern CT Amateur Radio Society

Contact Information
- Club Name:
- Southeastern CT Amateur Radio Society
- Call Sign:
- N1NW
- Contact:
- Mark C. Noe KE1IU
- Daytime Phone:
- (860) 326-8025
- Evening Phone:
- (860) 326-8025
- Email:
Basic Information
- Call Sign:
- N1NW
- Annual Report:
- Mar 17th 2022
- Meeting Time:
- 3rd Thursday monthly, 7:30 PM
- Meeting Place:
- Norwich Fire HQ, 10 North Thames St.
- Section:
- CT
- Affiliation Date:
- Jul 20th 1977
- Specialties:
- Contest, Digital Modes, DX, General Interest, Public Service/Emergency, Repeaters, VHF/UHF
- Services Offered:
- Entry-Level License Classes, General Or Higher License Classes, Hamfest, License Test Sessions, Mentor, Repeater
- Description:
RASON was established in the 1970s and is located in Norwich, CT. The club maintains a repeater on 146.730 MHz with a PL of 156.7 Hz. RASON hosts several on air nets that are held on this repeater throughout the week. Popular nets include the VHF/UHF net, which meets every Sunday at 8:00 PM. This net discusses upcoming activities and is a good forum to catch up with other local amateurs. The Southeastern CT traffic net is held every night at 9:00 PM. The first part of the net is devoted to traffic handling (passing messages to other amateurs or non-hams), followed by a general discussion that usually begins 10-15 minutes later. Bring your topics of interest to discuss – or use this as an opportunity to meet new people.
RASON is an active club. We host regular foxhunts, which are basically high-tech games of hide and seek. Someone hides somewhere in Southeastern CT (usually in the Norwich area) and transmits at regular intervals over a 2-3 hour period. Hams are encouraged to hone their direction finding skills and find the hidden transmitter – first by driving and then on foot once at the hiding place. A short social event usually follows.
We are also active in various contests, including Winter Field Day and Summer Field Day. These are national contests (with international participation) emphasizing emergency preparedness and operator skill. They are also educational activities, and we encourage new hams to participate. Our club sets up tents and stations on different amateur radio bands and modes – including CW, SSB and digital modes. No equipment is needed, and we have Extra class control operators present, so you can try out new frequencies or modes that normally would not be accessible without a license upgrade. It is also a great setting to learn new skills, and there are plenty of experienced operators who will help you learn new things about the hobby. RASON also participates in the June and September VHF/UHF contests, where we set up portable stations and work hams in as many different grid squares as possible. Grid squares denote different sections of the globe – divided by 1o latitude x 2o longitude (70 miles x 100 miles). Come try out some interesting equipment and modes for weak signal work!
RASON and the Tri-City Amateur Radio Club sponsor annual auctions – which offer the opportunity to buy or sell amateur radio gear, parts and other items. These auctions are held at the Gales Ferry Firehouse in April and October. This is a great opportunity to meet other amateur radio operators, get some advice and pick up some gear. Prices are usually very reasonable at these events.
Finally, RASON hosts technical seminars. Lectures are given the fourth Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM on Zoom and cover a wide variety of topics, such as foxhunting, satellite work, using micro-controllers in the ham shack, assembling go-kits for portable operating and much more. We also have recorded sessions available for learning Morse Code.
- Links:
Club Statistics
- Club Members:
- 52
- Voting Members:
- 52
- Voting Licensed Amateur Members:
- 49
- Voting ARRL Members:
- 40
Southeastern CT Amateur Radio Society Officers
Contact, President
Mark C. Noe KE1IU -
David F. Carberry WA1IKN -
Payton Noe KC1IVR -
Vice President
Chip E. Griffin N1MIE