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  • 07/28/2018 | Ninth Annual Detroit Maker Fair

    Jul 28-Jul 29, 1300Z-2000Z, N8M, Dearborn, MI. Ford Amateur Radio League. 10 - 28.400 Ssb. 28.170 cw 20 - 14.250 Ssb 14.130 cw 40 - 7.270 Ssb 7.100 cw 80 - 3.900 Ssb 3.55 cw. QSL. FARL, P.O. Box 2711, Dearborn, MI 48123. QSL Cards will go out as postcards.

  • 07/28/2018 | SEMARC in the Park and celebrating the contributions of first responders

    Jul 28, 1400Z-2000Z, K1R, Cottage Grove, MN. South East Metro Amateur Radio Club. 14.260 14.040 7.260 7.040. Certificate. Avaible as a download, from the SEMARC , website. SEMARC in the Park...display of technology and go-kits for public service...special event station honoring first responders.

  • 07/29/2018 | Historic Y-bridge

    Jul 29, 1630Z-2130Z, W8ORA, Zanesville, OH. Ohio Amateur Radio Club. 7.220 14.300. QSL. Ronnie Phipps, 610 Morgan Rd, Zanesville, OH 43701.

  • 07/29/2018 | Throne Celebration in Morocco

    Jul 29-Jul 31, 0000Z-2359Z, 5E5R, Settat, MOROCCO. CN8YZ. 20m 40m. QSL. Youssef Belchkar, Po Box 651, Settat, 26000, MOROCCO.

  • 07/30/2018 | National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) 2018

    Jul 30-Aug 3, 1300Z-1900Z, K2BSA/9, Bloomington, IN. Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America. 14.270 7.270 146.580 443.775 (-), PL 136.5. QSL. Frederick J Donkin, 6092 Contadora Dr, Salt Lake City, UT 84128. NOAC is a national conference of the Order of the Arrow - the Boy Scouts of America's national honor camping society. The station will be located on the campus of Indiana University in Bloomington, IN. We will be operating primarily on 20 meters SSB, but will work 40 meters and digital modes as time and resource permit. QSL via Logbook of the World preferred.

  • 08/01/2018 | 145TH Anniversary of the Cable Car in San Francisco

    Aug 1-Aug 8, 0000Z-2359Z, N6C, Healdsburg, CA. William Pattullo. 21.265 14.265 7.265 3.815. QSL. N6C - Will Pattullo, 161 Presidential Cir., Healdsburg, CA 95448. August 2, 1873, Andrew S. Hallidie tested his first cable car system near the top of Nob Hill at Clay and Jones streets, San Francisco. N6C is the special event call sign to commemorate this historic San Francisco landmark anniversary.

  • 08/01/2018 | Hamfesters Radio Club 85th Anniversary

    Aug 1-Aug 5, 0000Z-2359Z, W9AA, Midlothian, IL. Hamfesters Radio Club. 28.410 14.310 7.210 3.810. Certificate. Jim Riley, 12121 W. Venetian Way, Orland Park, IL 60467. Request certificates for download at above email address. or

  • 08/02/2018 | Deschutes County Fair & Rodeo

    Aug 2-Aug 5, 2106Z-1719Z, W7JVO, Bend, OR. High Desert Amateur Radio Group. 7.230 14.250. QSL. Max Vaughan, 1723 NE Lytle Street, Bend, OR 97701.


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