07/14/2018 | 300th Anniversary of the Founding of New Orleans
Jul 14-Jul 15, 1400Z-2000Z, various, Metairie, LA. The Rare Ones of New Orleans. 28.420 21.300 14.260 7.260. QSL. Please QSL, to station, contacted. Rare Ones members will be operating from their home stations. Certificate available for working 8 Rare Ones. therareonesofneworleans.loga.us
07/14/2018 | Canal Days
Jul 14, 1500Z-2030Z, KD2JRP, Fort Hunter, NY. Fox County Gun and Tackle. 14.227. QSL. Carl Gottier, 176 McGraw Rd, Amsterdam, NY 12010. Antique engine and car show; good time for all.
07/14/2018 | Red River Bridge War Special Event
Jul 14-Jul 22, 0000Z-2359Z, W5I, Sherman, TX. Grayson County Amateur Radio Club. 14.250 7.200 14.040 7.040. QSL. Grayson County ARC, PO Box 642, Sherman, TX 75091. Commemorating the Red River Bridge War, a dispute between Texas and Oklahoma over a new bridge that was built across the Red River in 1931. www.graysoncountyarc.com
07/14/2018 | USS Midway Museum Ship: Independence Day Special Event
Jul 14, 1600Z-2300Z, NI6IW, San Diego, CA. USS Midway (CV-41) Museum Ship. 14.320 7.250; 14.070 (PSK31); D-STAR on REF001C. QSL. USS Midway (CV-41) COMEDTRA, 901 N. Harbor Dr., San Diego, CA 92101.
07/14/2018 | USS San Diego
Jul 14-Jul 22, 0000Z-0000Z, W2NMY, Babylon, NY. Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club. 18.150 14.235 7.255 3.910; All bands, All modes. Certificate. Club Log or direct to GSBARC, P.O. Box 1356, West Babylon, NY 11704. We will be operating as W2NMY which is a historical Fire Island call sign used by the Navy and US Coast Guard . USS San Diego, ex-California, armored cruiser (No.6), mined, laid by U.156, sank 10 miles SE of Fire Island, New York on July 19th only 12 miles off Fire Island NY. July 19th 2018 marks 100 years since the day it was sunk. The reason is uncertain as many believe it was a Mine sent a drift from a U boat . Some people believe it was torpedoed by a U boat. We are running this as a memorial station for the six sailors that lost their lives that day. BLAINE, CLYDE CHESTER, Fireman, 1st class DAVIS, THOMAS EVERETT, Engineman, 2nd class HARRIS, PAUL JOHN, Seaman, 2nd class, drowned MUNSON, ANDREW, Machinist's Mate, 2nd class, killed (BN - 18th.) ROCHET, JAMES FRANCES, Engineman, 2nd class, NNV THOMAS, FRAZIER ORAN, Machinist's Mate, 2nd class We will be on all bands and modes. Many operators and logs will uploaded to club log each day. A downloadable certificate will be available once we have confirmed your successful QSO. We take pride in doing this very special event station. We have very experienced operators who be ready for you to get this once in a lifetime special event. We would love to hear you all give W2NMY a call. check out our website, Facebook or twitter. info@gsbarc.org or www.gsbarc.org
07/21/2018 | Commemorate Capt Sally Tompkins from Mathews, VA
Jul 21, 1330Z-1900Z, W4HZL, Mathews, VA. Middle Peninsula Amateur Radio Club. 3.850 7.190 14.20. QSL. Middle Peninsula Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 1121, Gloucester Point, VA 23062. Setting up a station at Williams Wharf, 1039 Williams Wharf Rd, Mathews, VA 23109. Event commemorates Sally Louisa Tompkins (Nov 9, 1833 - Jul 25, 1916), a native of Mathews County, on the 102nd anniversary of her death. She is best remembered for privately sponsoring a hospital in Richmond, VA to treat soldiers wounded in the Civil War. Her hospital had the lowest death rate of any Union or Confederate hospital during the conflict. [rescheduled from July 14.] www.mparc.net
07/21/2018 | Days of '47 Commemoration
Jul 21-Jul 22, 1500Z-0300Z, K7T, Orem, UT. Utah Valley Amateur Radio Club. 14.336 14.272 14.242. QSL. UVARC, PO Box 1288, Orem, UT 84059. https://uvarc.club
07/21/2018 | Flat Hammock Island, NY - On the Air
Jul 21, 1500Z-2100Z, W1QV/2, Fishers Island, NY. Tri-City ARC of Connecticut. 21.295 14.295 7.195 3.895. QSL. Tri-City ARC, PO Box 552, Groton, CT 06340. Limited operation is also planned on 28.395, 50.135, and 144.205 MHZ. Rain date is Sunday, July 22nd; same times and frequencies QSL information is shown on the W1QV QRZ page. www.qsl.net/tricityarc