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  • 08/17/2018 | Blind's Ham Radio

    Aug 17-Aug 26, 1500Z-0000Z, K3B, Wilmington, DE. KC3LOJ. 14.228 7.180 14.265 7.275. QSL. K3B, 2210 N Church Street, Wilmington, DE 19802.

  • 08/18/2018 | 243rd Anniversary of Presidio Real de San Agustin del Tucson

    Aug 18, 1600Z-2300Z, K7T, Tucson, AZ. Oro Valley Amateur Radio Club. CW: 7.040, 14.040 PSK: 7.070, 14.070 FT-8: 7.074, 14.074 USB: 7.200, 14.250. Certificate. Email, to, , . Email requests only. No paper QSLs, please.

  • 08/18/2018 | 60th Anniversary of the Blimp "Snowgoose"

    Aug 18, 0900Z-1500Z, W1NAS, South Weymouth, MA. Shea Naval Aviation Museum. 14.250 7.250. QSL. Steve Cohn, W1OD, 10 Hemlock Terrace, Randolph, MA 02368. This is the 60th anniversary of the Blimp "Snowgoose" flight from NAS South Weymouth, MA, to Resolute Bay on the Arctic Circle, while the USS Nautilus submarine sailed below the blimp and under the ice cap, maintaining communications throughout the voyage. The Tri-City ARC will also be operating as N1S from the pier of the Nautilus in Groton, CT in conjunction with W1NAS. Frequencies may vary depending on band conditions. QSL via W1OD w/SASE please.

  • 08/18/2018 | 80th Anniversary of the Opening of the Thousand Islands International Bridge System

    Aug 18, 1400Z-1900Z, KC2TI, Alexandria Bay, NY. Thousand Islands Repeater Club. 14.250 7.250 146.700 PL 151.4. Certificate. T.I. Repeater Club, 26395 NYS Rt 180, Dexter, NY 13634. Full details at

  • 08/18/2018 | Fire Island Lighthouse

    Aug 18-Aug 19, 0700Z-1700Z, W2NMY, Babylon, NY. Fire Island LIghthouse Radio Annex Memorial Club. 18.095 14.050 10.108 7.050. Certificate. W2NMY , 47 Hemlock Rd, Manhasset, NY 11030. LIGHTHOUSE LIGHTSHIP WEEKEND THIS CALL IS A VINTAGE CALL FROM THE FIRE ISLAND LIGHTHOUSE RADIO ANNEX DO NOT MISS THE CHANCE TO CATCH THIS CALL FROM WHERE IT WAS USED ORIGINALLY. or

  • 08/18/2018 | International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend

    Aug 18-Aug 20, 1500Z-2100Z, W8GNM/8, Port Clinton, OH. Port Clinton Lighthouses Conservancy. 7.225 14.325 18.155 21.325. QSL. QSL via, LoTW, only . QSL via LoTW only. No paper QSL or certificate

  • 08/18/2018 | Lighthouse Lightship Weekend

    Aug 18-Aug 20, 0700Z-1800Z, W2GSB, Babylon, NY. Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club. 14.235 14.050 10.108 7.255 7.050 . Certificate. GSBARC, Po Box 1356, West Babylon, NY 11704. The Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club will be activating the Fire Island Light house for lighthouse lightship weekend. SSB CW. Give them a call to work this historic lighthouse The station will be at the base of the lighthouse on the beach shorts and shoes are required. or

  • 08/18/2018 | Lynchburg Covered Bridge Day

    Aug 18, 1200Z-1600Z, W8N, Lynchburg, OH. Highland Amateur Radio Association. 14.285 7.235. QSL. Highland ARA, John Levo, W8KIW, 21 Highland Dr., Hillsboro, OH 45133. The only covered bridge joining two Ohio counties.


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