09/02/2017 | 38th Annual Trek to Ghost Town of Paradise
Sep 2-Sep 4, 1800Z-1800Z, K7RDG, Sierra Vista, AZ. Cochise ARA. 28.355 21.215 14.315 7.230. Certificate. Cochise Amateur Radio Association, PO Box 1855, Sierra Vista, AZ 85636. Operating from the ghost town of Paradise, AZ www.k7rdg.org
09/02/2017 | Beethoven Maennerchor 150th Anniversary; Texas' Oldest German Choir
Sep 2-Sep 30, 1400Z-0200Z, K5B, San Antonio, TX. Radio Operators of South Texas Inc. 14.255; W5ROS 146.86- [123]. Certificate. Tom Wynn, K0ZGC, 411 Arbor View, Adkins, TX 78101. Operating Saturdays only - Sep 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30. www.w5ros.org
09/05/2017 | 96th Spartansburg PA Fair
Sep 5-Sep 9, 0500Z-2300Z, W3YXE, Spartansburg, PA. Radio Amateurs of Corry. 145.11- 147.09+ 14.340 7.2400. Certificate. Via , n3nkv@corryarclub.com , Erie, PA 16509. Send email to n3nkv@corryarclub.com for certificate. Certificates will be sent via e-mail only. w3yxe.org
09/07/2017 | First Flight of the F-22
Sep 7-Sep 11, 0000Z-2359Z, W7F, Seattle, WA. L Greg Magone. 146.52 14.275 14.250. Certificate & QSL. L Greg Magone, 27492 254th PL SE, Maple Valley, WA 98038. This is the September special event station for the 2017 KB7QPS Air, Space, and Technology Operating Event. airspacetechnology.webs.com
09/08/2017 | 16th Anniversary of the Attack on the World Trade Center in New York City
Sep 8-Sep 12, 0000Z-0300Z, WA2NYC, Staten Island, NY. Wireless Association Of New York City. 28.450 21.350 14.265 7.220. QSL. Wireless Association of New York City, 233 Wolverine Street, Staten Island, NY 10306. We remember the over twenty nine hundred people that lost their lives on that day. www.qrz.com/db/wa2nyc
09/08/2017 | Centennial of Lorain, Ohio Lighthouse
Sep 8-Sep 10, 1800Z-1200Z, W8HN, Lorain, OH. Medina 2 Meter Group. 14.275 all freqs. + or - qrm contacts phone only 7.210 3.810 146.520. QSL. EQSL, send e-mail to kkoyan@ncwcom.com, Lorain, OH 44052. 100 years of the Lorain Ohio Lighthouse, sponsored by The Lorain Lighthouse Foundation Inc. We are encouraging boaters to dock & stop in for a small donation in support of lighthouse maintenance. Event runs from Friday 09/08/2017 6 pm EST ending Sunday 09/10/2017 12 pm EST. www.qrz.com/w8hn
09/09/2017 | Air Mail Marker Memorial
Sep 9, 1400Z-2000Z, K0A, St. Paul, MN. South East Metro Amateur Radio Club. 14.265 7.265. Certificate. Dick Roberts, 1655 68th St W, Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077. www.semarc.org
09/09/2017 | Celebration of the Opening of Burr Oak State Park
Sep 9-Sep 10, 1600Z-1600Z, KC8AAV, Glouster, OH. Sunday Creek Amateur Radio Federation. 28.400 7.245 3.800. Certificate. Russ Ellis N8MWK, 8051 Kochis Road, Glouster, OH 45732. This special event is in conjunction with the Ohio State Parks on the Air contest. iamkc8aav@gmail.com