09/09/2017 | Floyd Livestock & County Fair Special Event
Sep 9, 1300Z-2100Z, W4FCV, Floyd, VA. Floyd Amateur Radio Society. 14.255 7.255 3.855. Certificate & QSL. Russ Abbey, W4FCV, PO Box 177, Floyd, VA 24091. www.floydvafair.com and www.w4fcv.com
09/09/2017 | Great American Market
Sep 9, 1300Z-2100Z, W0EMP, Emporia, KS. Emporia Amateur Radio Society. 14.270 7.270; 146.985 FM repeater; 146.580 FM simplex. QSL. Dwight Moore, KD0OIX, 22452 S Stubbs Rd, Quenemo, KS 66528. Community celebration for downtown Emporia, KS. Help us introduce Ham radio to the community. emporiahamradio.org
09/09/2017 | Harvey Houses On the Air
Sep 9, 1500Z-2300Z, KC5OUR, Bosque Farms, NM. Valencia County Amateur Radio Association . 14.280 7.260. Certificate. VCARA, Box 268, Peralta, NM 87042. There will be several of the 48 Harvey Houses on the air for this HHOTA event. valencia@qsl.net or www.kc5our.com
09/09/2017 | Old St. Peters Church 250th Anniversary
Sep 9, 1600Z-2100Z, W2NYW, Cortlandt Manor, NY. Peekskill Cortlandt Amateur Radio Association. 7.260 14.330. Certificate & QSL. David Wright, K2WPM, P.O. Box 371, Mohegan Lake, NY 10547. Frequencies subject to change; watch for spots and help us celebrate this great event. George Washington spoke here. French troops buried here. David, K2WPM - check out QRZ page for updates. pcara.org
09/09/2017 | OMARC Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome Special Event Station
Sep 9, 1300Z-2100Z, K2A, Rhinebeck, NY. Overlook Mountain Amateur Radio Club. 3.865 7.265 14.265 146.555. QSL. Overlook Mountain Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 48, Hurley, NY 12443. OMARC and The Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome are celebrating the 1st century of radio and aviation by holding a S.E.S. on the Aerodrome grounds. All amateur radio operators are welcome to attend, and will be given an admission discount to the grounds, where you can enjoy the show, the museum, and operate at the S.E.S. The Areodome is also hosting a radio controlled airplane event all weekend. We will primarily operate on the stated frequencies, but may attempt 15 and 10 meters, conditions permitting. Talk-In on the OMARC 146.805 repeater (negative shift, PL 103.5). Visit the Aerodrome website at oldrhinebeck.org omarcclub.org
09/09/2017 | Route 66 On The Air
Sep 9-Sep 17, 0000Z-2359Z, W6Q, Chicago, IL. Six Meter Club of Chicago. 21.388 14.266 7.266 3.866. Certificate. Michael Huedepohl, WD9GJK, 3532 Raymond Avenue, Brookfield, IL 60513. Multi-station special event, coordinated by the Citrus Belt ARC, W6JBT. www.k9ona.com
09/09/2017 | State Line Radio Club Picnic
Sep 9, 1400Z-2000Z, W3A, Holtwood, PA. State Line Radio Club. 21.280 14.240 7.240. QSL. Ted Reichenbach, 108 Park Circle, Elkton, MD 21921. www.w3rei.com
09/09/2017 | The Battle of Kittanning commemorative event
Sep 9, 1400Z-2200Z, K3QY, Kittanning, PA. The Fort Armstrong Wireless Association. 3.850 7.230 14.325. Certificate & QSL. K3QY Fort Armstrong Wireless Assn., C/O Armstrong Co. Dept. of Public Safety, 131 Armsdale Road, Kittanning, PA 16201. QSL card available...work all three bands and qualify for a certificate. fortarmstrongwireless.org