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  • 08/05/2017 | River City Days

    Aug 5, 1500Z-1900Z, W0R, Red Wing, MN. Hiawatha Valley Amateur Radio Club. 14.245 7.250 147.33. QSL. Bill Eichenlaub, 1966 Launa Ave, Red Wing, MN 55066. This is a celebration of the Mississippi River and the importance of that Red Wing, Minnesota. We will be located on the banks of the river as we run this special event.

  • 08/05/2017 | TM20CC

    Aug 5-Sep 3, 0000Z-2359Z, N5TD, Montigny le Bretonneux, FRANCE. Union des Radioclubs Radioamateurs et écouteurs. 14.120 7.120 50.120 144.320. Certificate & QSL. F8URC, URC Union Des Radios Clubs , 3 Rue Saint Lugle, LILLERS 62190, FRANCE. This year we are doing a "tribute to Commandant Cousteau who disappeared 20 years ago for his work for the next generations and to protect the planet." TM20CC will be transmitting from several locations all across France (this is a shared call sign by many clubs) a network of station will be on the air. We hope to have many contacts with the USA because Jacques Yves COUSTEAU used to produced his movies in Los Angeles with his American friends and lastly the Calypso ship was based in Virginia. Cousteau lived there and loved the USA also the Cousteau Society was created in 1973 in the USA.

  • 08/06/2017 | Montgomery County MD Agricultural Fair

    Aug 6-Aug 19, 1200Z-2359Z, W4H, Gaithersburg, MD. 4H Flying Tigers Aerospace Club & 4H Advanced Electricity Club. 146.955. Certificate. Chuck Schofer, 903 Nora Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20904.

  • 08/10/2017 | Birth of the IBM-PC

    Aug 10-Aug 14, 2359Z-2359Z, K7I, Maple Valley, WA. L Greg Magone. 146.52 14.275 14.250. Certificate & QSL. L Greg Magone, 27492 254th PL SE, Maple Valley, WA 98038. This is the August special event station in support of the 2017 KB7QPS Air, Space, and Technology operating event.

  • 08/11/2017 | DSES Annual Radio Telescope / Astronomy Open House

    Aug 11-Aug 13, 1400Z-2359Z, K0PRT, Haswell, CO. Deep Space Exploration Society. 50.160 14.253 7.238. QSL. Deep Space Exploration Society, 4164 Austin Bluffs Parkway #562, Colorado Springs, CO 80918. Astronomy open house at our 60 foot dish antenna site in Kiowa County. Hosted during the Perseid Meteor Shower, with educational activities for the public including optical and radio observing. We may use other amateur radio frequencies, including on 6 meters, if available.

  • 08/11/2017 | Meadowcroft Dig Site of 16,000 year old Rock Shelter Avella, PA

    Aug 11-Aug 21, 1900Z-2300Z, W3M, Avella, PA. Washington Amateur Communications Inc.. 21.360 14.270 7.275 3.865. QSL. Wiley Dawson, WD8W, 139 Blanche Ave, Benwood, WV 26031. If not for the curiosity of a Washington County, Pa., farmer six decades ago, Meadowcroft Rockshelter – the oldest site of human habitation in North America – might have never been discovered. In 1955, Albert Miller stumbled upon a groundhog hole on his family’s farm in Avella and uncovered what looked to be a prehistoric tool.

  • 08/12/2017 | Carnation Festival - Celebrating Alliance, Ohio as the birthplace of the Scarlet Carnation, Ohio's state flower

    Aug 12, 1400Z-2000Z, W8LKY, Alliance, OH. Alliance Amateur Radio Club. 14.250 14.035 7.240 7.035 . Certificate. Alliance Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 3344, Alliance, OH 44601. Other frequencies & modes as circumstances permit. Stations contacted may download a certificate from our QRZ page. or or

  • 08/12/2017 | Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) On-The-Air

    Aug 12-Aug 13, 1400Z-2100Z, KG8JK, Various CCC locations. Civilian Conservation Corps On-The-Air. 21.250 14.250 7.250 3.950. Certificate. Dirk Esterline, 3106 Greenfield Dr., Petoskey, MI 49770. The fourth annual Civilian Conservation Corps On-The-Air weekend will be held the second full weekend in August, 2017. The event will start Saturday at 14:00z (10:00am EDT) and run until Sunday 21:00z (5:00 pm EDT). The Civilian Conservation Corps came into being in the spring of 1933. Its goal was twofold: to provide needed economic relief to families suffering from the effects of the Great Depression and to protect and develop the natural resources of the United States. As radio played a big part in how the camps communicated with each other, we want to honor the contribution that "The Boys" of the corps made to our country by putting the sites of the CCC camps back on the air. We would encourage you to activate the actual location of one of the camps however, if it is no longer accessible or you cannot get permission to set up on the site, you may operate from one of the project sites the camp worked on. Many state and local parks have buildings that were constructed by the "CCC Boys" and would make a suitable place to not only honor them but also promote amateur radio at the same time. For more information see our website or contact KG8JK via email: .


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