08/03/2017 | Pro Football Hall of Fame Festival
Aug 3-Aug 6, 0000Z-0000Z, W8AL, Canton, OH. Canton Amateur Radio Club. 21.320 +/- 14.285 +/- 7.200 +/- W8AL repeater 146.790/141.3H . Certificate. Canton Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 8673, Canton, OH 44711. On the Air times subject to operators available. Send QSL Card and $2.00 for postage & Handling. www.w8al.org
08/03/2017 | Radio Caroline, Five Decades of Offshore Radio Broadcasting
Aug 3-Aug 7, 1700Z-0600Z, GB5RC, Essex, ENGLAND. Martello Tower Group. 80, 40, and 20 meters; possibly 17, 15, 12, or 10 meters. QSL. Via Bureau or, Keith L. Maton, G6NHU, Kirby Cross, Essex CO13 0LQ, ENGLAND. Operating from Blackwater Estuary, on board the home of Radio Caroline, the MV Ross Revenge. Include SAE and $2US. See website for full details. www.qrz.com/db/gb5rc
08/04/2017 | 60 Year Anniversary Star Ranch Nudist Resort
Aug 4-Aug 6, 0000Z-2000Z, NU5DE, Mc Dade, TX. Naturist Amateur Radio Club. 14.265 7.265. Certificate. Naturist Amateur Radio Club, 166 Eely #G1, Mc Dade, TX 78650. www.nu5de.org
08/04/2017 | Coast Guard Day Special Event
Aug 4-Aug 5, 1400Z-0400Z, K1CG, Port Angeles, WA. Coast Guard CW Operators Association. 21.052-21.327 14.052-14.327 7.052-7.227 3.552-3.827. QSL. CGCWOA/CW or CG Club/voice, See website for QSL, , information . www.qrz.com/db/k1cg
08/04/2017 | Estes Park, CO Centennial Celebration
Aug 4-Aug 6, 1500Z-2200Z, W0E, Estes Park, CO. Estes Valley Amateur Radio Club. 14.330; 20 and 40 meters. QSL. Larry A Olson, 229 Pine Tree Dr, Estes Park, CO 80517. Times and frequencies may vary. Check website for information. www.evarc.org
08/04/2017 | Indiana State Fair
Aug 4-Aug 20, 1800Z-2359Z, W9ISF, Indianapolis, IN. Indiana State Fair Amateur Radio Club. 7.240 14.235 3.815. QSL. Indiana State Fair ARC, 7405 E. County Road 900 N, Brownsburg, IN 46112. www.qrz.com/db/w9isf
08/04/2017 | Ten Mile River Scout Camps 90th Anniversary
Aug 4-Aug 6, 1200Z-2359Z, W2T, Narrowsburg, NY. Greater New York Councils, BSA. 28.405 18.135 14.255 7.195. QSL. James Gallo, 149 Marine Ave, KB2FMH, Brooklyn, NY 11209. Celebrating the 90th Anniversary of the oldest continually operating Boy Scout Camp in the country. tmr90yrs@gmail.com
08/05/2017 | Colorado 14er Event + SOTA
Aug 5-Aug 6, 1400Z-2359Z, various, Pikes Peak, CO. Colorado 14er Event Task Force. 147.42 14.345 14.060. QSL. QSL to, station, worked. Radio amateurs operate from the Colorado 14,000 foot mountains plus Summits On The Air peaks. See web site for details. Lots of SOTA action across North America this weekend. www.ham14er.org