06/05/2009 | The K7RA Solar Update
It is so great to see some real Solar Cycle 24 sunspot activity this week. Instead of a phantom that pops into view one day and is gone the next, we have sunspot 1019, which has persisted for five days so far. Emerging on Sunday, May 31, the resulting dai
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06/05/2009 | ARRL DXCC Desk Approves Operation
ARRL DXCC Manager Bill Moore, NC1L, reports that the HZ1EA operation in Saudi Arabia has been approved for DXCC credit. "If you had cards that were recently rejected for this operation, please send an e
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06/05/2009 | Surfin': One Ham's Garbage Is Another Ham's ArtThis week's Surfin' finds old radio parts recycled as new radio art.
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06/04/2009 | Behind Enemy Lines: An Amateur Radio Operator’s Amazing Tale of BraveryTo a number of older hams the battle of Guadalcanal may be well-known. They may even have fought in some of the battles mentioned. To a slightly younger group it might be a dim memory. Others might say “Guadalcanal. What’s that?” In 1942
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06/04/2009 | Jeff Beals, WA4AW, Appointed Southeastern Division Vice Director
With the approval of the ARRL Ethics and Elections Committee, ARRL President Joel Harrison, W5ZN, appointed Southern Florida Assistant Section Manager Jeff Beals, WA4AW, as Vice Director in the Southeastern Division, effective June 1. Beals replaces
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06/04/2009 | Youth@HamRadio.Fun: Dayton 2009 -- a Smashing Success!I'm not sure what else I could call it. Coming up with clever word plays or alliterations for the title just wouldn’t have done it justice, for the 2009 Dayton Hamvention was truly a smashing success!
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06/03/2009 | President Obama to Renominate FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell for New Term
On Tuesday, June 2, President Barack Obama announced that he will renominate current FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell for another term. McDowell, a Republican, was first nominated by President George W. Bush and sworn into office in June 2006, filling the
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06/03/2009 | Why Join an Amateur Radio ClubWhy should you join an Amateur Radio club? I can think of many reasons. The first and foremost one is the opportunity to meet and get to know other ham operators in your community. There are almost one million Amateur Radio operators in the United States,
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