06/16/2009 | Longtime ARRL Staffer Robert L. Lincoln Passes Away
Robert Lincoln, 94, of Westbrook, Connecticut, passed away at his home on June 13. After his retirement at age 65 from Addressograph Multigraph, Lincoln came to work at ARRL to run the League’s in-house printing press. He reti
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06/15/2009 | WX4NHC Announces On-the-Air Station Test Results
WX4NHC, the Amateur Radio station at the National Hurricane Center conducted its annual On-The-Air Station Test on Saturday, May 30, 2009. According to Assistant WX4NHC Coordinator Julio Ripoll, WD4R, the station conducted the test to promote awareness of
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06/15/2009 | Surfin': Contesting for the Fun of ItThis week's Surfin' recalls contesting the June VHF QSO Party with a lot of enthusiasm, but not much equipment.
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06/12/2009 | Don Tunstill, W4NO (SK)
Don Tunstill, W4NO, founder of the Central America VEC, passed away at his home in Huntsville, Alabama on Monday, June 9. He was 69. Tunstill, an ARRL Life Member, was a charter member of Huntsville Amateur Radio Club and served as president of Learn More
06/12/2009 | Build Your DreamOne cold winter evening, late at night, I found myself in my easy chair, shoes off, TV off, a cup of hot coffee in one hand, listening to the icy wind blow past the window. It reminded me of a time many years before in southern Germany when I first got my
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06/12/2009 | California Emergency Radio Team Reaps Huge ResultsRecently, the Amateur Radio Emergency Communications (AREC) team at Long Beach’s Wilson High School gave a PowerPoint presentation about their team. In attendance were school administrators; ARES®, CERT and Long Beach government and emergency pe
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06/12/2009 | The K7RA Solar Update
Sunspot numbers from May 31-June 5 ranged from 13 to 23, then the Sun was blank for two days, followed by sunspot numbers of 12 for both June 8 and 9. This fleeting sunspot was number 1020, and like last week's spot, 1020 had the magnetic signature of a n
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06/11/2009 | High Speed Telegraphy on the World Stage
The October 1936 issue of QST reported on the first official "Amateur Code Speed Contest" ever held. Eugene A. Hubbell, W9ERU, took home the silver trophy with his winning speed of 52.2 words per minute. Held at the ARRL Central Division
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