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  • 10/14/2016 | Mahlon Loomis Commemoration 150 years of Wireless Communicaton

    Oct 14-Oct 16, 1600Z-2100Z, K1T & K6L, Bluemont, VA. Vienna Wireless Society and Vic Clark Chapter 91 QCWA. 7.025 14.025 14.240 7.145. Certificate & QSL. Vienna Wireless Society, PO Box 418, Vienna, VA 22183. Commemorating what is likely the first demonstration of radio communications on October 1866 from Bear's Den Mountain to Furnace Mountain (as distance of 21 miles) by Dr. Mahlon Loomis. Dr Loomis flew kites from the two mountains with 600 feet of cooper wire attached to each, when he keyed the wire on Bear's Den mountain to ground, the induced static electricity generated a spark (arc) that was detected by a crude galvanometer connected to the kite wire flown from Furnace Mountain. Loomis did not understand the physics of what he demonstrated, thinking that he tapped into a conductive layer in the atmosphere, In reality he created the first spark gap transmitter and demonstrated reception of RF energy 20 years before Hertz did his famous experiment. Dr Loomis applied in 1869 and received a patent on 30 July 1872 for improvements to Telegraphy, Wherein he claims "of utilizing natural electricity and establishing an electrical current or circuit for telegraphic and other purposes without the aid of wires, artificial batteries, or cables to form such electrical circuit, and yet communicate from one continent of the globe to another"

  • 10/15/2016 | Official NC Fall Liver Mush Festival

    Oct 15, 1200Z-2000Z, NA4CC, Shelby, NC. Cleveland County Amateur Radio Service. General portion of the 20 and 40 meter bands. QSL. Cleveland County Amateur Radio Service, PO Box 864, Shelby, NC 28151. A special QSL card designed using images and items from the festival will be printed after the event. For QSL please see website. or

  • 10/18/2016 | Sunbelt Ag Expo

    Oct 18-Oct 22, 0800Z-1800Z, K0W, Moultrie, GA. Colquitt County Ham Radio Society. 14.280 14.070 7.158 3.975; SSB and digital modes. Certificate. Andy Clark, 800 Veterans Parkway N, Moultrie, GA 31788.

  • 10/21/2016 | 77th anniversary of the establishment of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary

    Oct 21-Oct 24, 0400Z-0400Z, N1A, Orleans, MA. United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. 14.277 7.277 7.050 3.877. QSL. W. Baden, NA1CC, PO Box 2825, Orleans, MA 02653. N1A, operating from historic Coast Guard Nauset Station, on Coast Guard Beach, Cape Cod, MA, will be one of many stations on the air 21-23 October 2016, celebrating the 77th anniversary of the establishment of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. For N1A, QSL NA1CC.

  • 10/21/2016 | 77th Anniversary of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary

    Oct 21-Oct 23, 0000Z-2359Z, K1G, Swampscott, MA. US Coast Guard Auxiliary District 1NR. 14.245. QSL. Dr Gary G. Young, 1 Sutton Pl, Swampscott, MA 01907. QSL via SASE domestic postage For DX SASE + sufficient postage

  • 10/21/2016 | Coast Guard Auxiliary 77th Anniversary

    Oct 21-Oct 23, 0001Z-2359Z, N1H, East Freetown, MA. Coast Guard Auxiliary 013-06-05. 18.130 14.230 7.180 3.830. QSL. Paul G. Sadeck, 90 Doctor Braley Rd, East Freetown, MA 02717.

  • 10/21/2016 | Commemorating the 77th Anniversary of the USCG Auxiliary

    Oct 21-Oct 23, 0000Z-2359Z, N6Z, San Jose, CA. US Coast Guard Auxiliary District 11-NR. 14.275 14.076 7.076. QSL. Alan Stanton, 1524 Rosecrest Ter, San Jose, CA 95126. SSB activity mostly on Saturday. JT65 on Friday and Sunday.

  • 10/21/2016 | Florida International Airshow

    Oct 21-Oct 23, 1400Z-2200Z, W4P, Punta Gorda, FL. Peace River Radio Assoication. 28.435 21.335 14.235 7.235. QSL. Peace River Radio Association, PO Box 510943, Punta Gorda, FL 33951.


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