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  • 09/17/2016 | North Country National Scenic Trail /Salt Fork State Park

    Sep 17, 1300Z-2100Z, W8VP, Lore City, OH. Cambridge Amateur Radio Association. 7.230. Certificate. Cambridge Amateur Radio Association, PO Box 1804, Cambridge, OH 43725. In conjunction with the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the National Park System, W8VP will be activating the North Country National Scenic Trail which runs through Salt Fork State Park and coincides at this place with the Buckeye Scenic Trail.

  • 09/17/2016 | Sheppard AFB 75th Anniversary & ENJPT 35th Anniversary: Sheppard AFB Texas

    Sep 17-Sep 18, 1500Z-2200Z, N5J, Wichita Falls, TX. Sheppard AFB Ham Radio Club and Red River Amateur Radio Enthusiasts. 14.340 7.275 146.520. QSL. Brent Boydston, 103 N Crockett, Henrietta, TX 76365. This event will take place at and during the Air Show and Open House honoring these two important anniversaries. As the radio operations will be during the event, radio ops will be subject to the operational dictates of Air Field and Air Traffic Control. We are planning on having Sheppard and Euro-Nato Joint Pilot Training (ENJPT) specific QSL cards but this, as with all military plans, will likely change somewhat upon first engagement. First event tolerance and patience would be appreciated.

  • 09/17/2016 | The 90th Anniversary of The Associated Radio Amatuers of Southern New England

    Sep 17-Sep 18, 1300Z-0000Z, W1AQ, East Providence, RI. Associated Radio Amateurs of Southern New England. 14.185 14.040 7.185 7.040. QSL. W1AQ ARASNE, 54 Kelley Ave, Rumford, RI 02916.

  • 09/17/2016 | WACO Fly-In

    Sep 17, 1000Z-1600Z, W8FW, Troy, OH. Miami County Amateur Radio Club. 145.23 - offset no PL; 7.125 - 7.300; 14.500 - 14.350. Certificate & QSL. Miami County Amateur Radio Club, W8FW, PO Box 214, Troy, OH 45373. Annual WACO Aircraft Fly-in in Troy Ohio, from Sept 15 thru Sept 18. Troy Ohio is the original home of the WACO Aircraft Company and this event relives that time. The W8FW Club Station will be set up on Saturday, Sept 17 from 10 am thru 4 pm. Plan to work 40 and 20 meters, talk in on the W8FW repeater at 145.23, minus offset, no PL. Please contact the W8FW club thru the web site or for additional information.

  • 09/18/2016 | Riley Memorial Air Show Special Event Station

    Sep 18, 1700Z-2100Z, W9EFU/KC9WQI, Madison, IN. Clifty Amateur Radio Society and Ivy Tech Community College Amateur Radio Club. 28.440 14.268 7.268. Certificate. Jerry Barnes, 6901 Spring Street, Madison, IN 47250. September 18, 1700Z-2100Z, Two local radio clubs, W9EFU, Clifty Amateur Radio Society, and KC9WQI, Ivy Tech Community College Amateur Radio Club, Madison Indiana, will be operating Special Event radio stations from the Madison Municipal Airport celebrating the 15th annual Riley Memorial Air Show and Fly-In. The event will feature aircraft displays and an air show. Organizers said anywhere from 20 to 30 aircraft will be on display, with other planes arriving and departing throughout the day. Anyone making contact will be able to request an electronic certificate indicating a successful QSO. Proposed frequencies are 7.268 on 40 meters, 14.268 on 20 Meters, and 28.440 on 10 meters. To request a specially designed certificate submit your email request to by Friday September 25, 2016. Certificates for valid contacts will only be sent electronically to your email address. No QSL Cards or other postal requests please.

  • 09/19/2016 | 60 years of Amateur Radio K9ESC

    Sep 19-Oct 7, 1700Z-2000Z, K9E, Tucson, AZ. Grand Canyon DX and Contest Club. 18.145 14.270 14.070 10.112. QSL. Donald Birch, 7725 N Red Wing Cir, Tucson, AZ 85741.

  • 09/23/2016 | Plano Balloon Festival

    Sep 23-Sep 25, 1800Z-2000Z, N5B, Allen, TX. Plano Amateur Radio Klub and McKinney Amateur Radio Club. 21.350 21.350 18.140 14.307 7.255. QSL. Stan Starks, NW5Q, 732 Eagle Lake Ct, Allen, TX 75002. We are back for a 6th consecutive year with a different call sign. We plan to have 3 stations active from the Balloon Festival on SSB most of the weekend. Hopefully propagation will cooperate. There will also be sporadic activity on CW and perhaps RTTY, as well as some SSB activity both before and after the festival from members at their home stations. Please watch spotting sites for our active frequencies at any given time. QSL with SASE.

  • 09/24/2016 | 72nd Anniversary of the Voice Of America Bethany Relay Station (West Chester, OH)

    Sep 24, 1300Z-2100Z, WC8VOA, West Chester, OH. West Chester Amateur Radio Association. 14.275 14.250 7.225. QSL. West Chester Amateur Radio Association, 8070 Tylersville Rd, West Chester, OH 45069.


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