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  • 06/01/2018 | FIFA World Cup 2018 Russia - Soccer

    Jun 1-Jul 15, 0001Z-2359Z, **18FWC , Various, RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia. All bands, all modes. QSL. upload information to ,, NA, RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Special call sign in Russia **18FWC. Inviting others to participate; other countries are asked to use **18FIFA. For complete details contact Aliy at

  • 06/01/2018 | Lewis & Clark 1804 Expedition

    Jun 1-Sep 15, 0100Z-1500Z, N0HWJ, Orchard, NE. N0HWJ. 14.275 14.250 3.982 3.975. QSL. Don Lallier, N0HWJ, PO Box 303, Orchard, NE 68764. Please send self-addressed stamped business envelope along with your QSL card and QSL information. My QSL information may be found on QRZ under my call.

  • 06/02/2018 | First Nuclear Submarine USS NAUTILUS

    Jun 2-Jun 3, 1300Z-2100Z, N1S, Groton, CT. Generations Amateur Radio Club. 21.324 14.264 7.264 3.924. QSL. via bureau c/o K3LBD or or direct to GARC, Harrison Solt, N1FAM, 110 Vinegar Hill Road, Gales Ferry, CT 06335. Museum Ships Weekend participant. Nautilus info:

  • 06/02/2018 | 7th Annual Brothers and Nightwatch Handshake

    Jun 2-Jun 10, 1014Z-1014Z, N4B, Chesapeake, VA. The Brothers Net. 7.192. QSL. Phil Henline, 4913 Manning Ct., Chesapeake, VA 23321. Celebrating the 7th annual Handshake of the Brothers Net and the Nightwatch Net from Russellville, Kentucky. or

  • 06/02/2018 | Historical Ships on the Air

    Jun 2-Jun 3, 1400Z-2200Z, NY3EC, Pittsburgh, PA. USS Requin SS481 Amateur Radio Club. 14.265 14.048 7.265 7.048. QSL. Art Mueller, WA3BKO, 1532 Millers Run Rd, McDonald, PA 15057.

  • 06/02/2018 | Museum Ships Weekend

    Jun 2-Jun 3, 1100Z-2100Z, K8E, Toledo, OH. Toledo Mobile Radio Association. 14.260 14.039 7.260 7.039. QSL. K8E Col. James M. Schoonmaker Team, P.O. Box 9673, Toledo, OH 43697.

  • 06/02/2018 | Museum Ships Weekend 2018

    Jun 2-Jun 3, 0000Z-1459Z, K8D, Marquette, MI. Lake Effect ARC (KD8DKU) and Darter-Dace Sea Cadet Corps. 7.235 14.070 3.910 147.27. QSL. John Forslin, KC8ULE, 36 Southfork St , Marquette, MI 49855. Silent Service Memorial commemorates the heroic role of submarines Darter and Dace at the Battle of Leyte Gulf, October 23-24 1944, and remembers the more than 3,500 submariners lost in World War II.

  • 06/02/2018 | Museum Ships Weekend Event

    Jun 2-Jun 3, 0001Z-2359Z, NJ2BB, Camden, NJ. Battleship New Jersey Amateur Radio Station. 21.362 14.262 14.050 7.262. Certificate & QSL. Margaret Burgess - KB2BRR, 150 Schooner Ave, Barnegat, NJ 08005. All stations that work at least 15 different ships of those listed as participating will receive a certificate if they send a copy of their log entries showing these contacts.


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