04/21/2018 | The Feast of the Ransom
Apr 21-Apr 22, 1100Z-0200Z, W8TFC, Richwood, WV. The Family Center Amateur Radio Club. 14.275 7.225 3.825. Certificate. W8TFC, The Family Center, 3 Valley Avenue, Richwood, WV 26261. The Feast of the Ransom, better known as The Ramp Festival has been going on since the 1930s in Richwood, WV. Ramps are a member of the Leek Family. Our area dentist says, "If you have eaten ramps in the last three days please reschedule your appointment. More information can be found at http://richwoodchamberofcommerce.org/FeastOfTheRamson/RampFestival2018%20info.html thefamilycenterofrichwoodwv.org/Ham/default.html
04/23/2018 | Mississippi State Guard Annual Training
Apr 23-Apr 29, 0000Z-2359Z, W4W, Camp Shelby, MS. MSSG 2nd Brigade. 15 20 and 40 meters. QSL. Robert J. Riley, 1799 Greer Rd., Coldwater, MS 38618. Send QSL requests with an SASE and $1.25 to K4KZR and specify W4W with the request www.msstateguard.us
04/26/2018 | Gold Nugget Days
Apr 26-Apr 29, 1500Z-0000Z, W6PAR, Paradise, CA. Paradise Amateur Radio Society. 14.250 145.290-.6 110.9. QSL. Paradise Amateur Radio Society, 6616-D 273 Clark Rd, Paradise, CA 95969. One of the first mining claims at Dogtown, known today as Magalia, was the Willard Claim, a hydraulic mine, in 1851 owned by 3 miners, Willard, Wetherbee, and Smith. The claim was northeast of Dogtown in the canyon by the West Branch of the Feather River.It was here on April 12, 1859, A.K. Stearns a workman at the mine, found the the largest gold nugget weighing 54-lbs. The nugget was worth $10,690. Annual celebrations started in 1959. Gold Nugget Days 1997 was the first event in Butte County taking part in Cal-150, the official state commemoration of 150 years of California statehood. ontheridge.com/golddays.html or w6par.org
04/26/2018 | Warrior Against Cancer
Apr 26-Apr 30, 0500Z-0500Z, W4C, Mayaguez, PR. Western Amateur Radio Club. 80 and 10 meters. QSL. Jose Osuba, PO Box 3025, Mayaguez, PR 00681.
04/27/2018 | 2018 West Point Campooree
Apr 27-Apr 30, 0000Z-0000Z, W2P, West Point, NY. KB2FMH. 18.135 14.240 7.185 3.805. QSL. James Gallo, 149 Marine Avenue, 6F, Brooklyn, NY 11209. This event is supported by Radio Scouting, BSA.
04/28/2018 | Honoring the Birthday of the Boy Scouts of America
Apr 28, 1000Z-1500Z, W1BSA, Fall River, MA. USNR NE1PL. 7,259. QSL. USNR c/o Rick Emord, 135 Wareham St, Middleboro, MA 02346. This will be our fourth year transmitting in honor of the birthday of the Boy Scouts Of America from the ward room of the USS Massachusetts. Scouts camp over night on the ship and we try to involve as many as we can.
04/28/2018 | Spring Portable Operating Event
Apr 28-Apr 29, 0000Z-2100Z, W0WX, Marshall, MN. The Unreal Radio Club. 14.070. QSL. Alex Peterson, 519 Harriet Dr., Marshall, MN 56258. Each Spring on the last weekend in April, we will take to the "field" and set up our portable stations for an operating event. It's great practice for Field Day! portableradio.org
04/28/2018 | W1BSA Scouts on the Air from Battleship Cove
Apr 28, 1500Z-2000Z, W1BSA, Fall River, MA. USNR. 7.245. Certificate & QSL. Rick Emord, KB1TEE, 135 Wareham St, Middleboro, MA 02346. We'll be on clear frequencies on 20m 40m, possibly 10m and wherever conditions lead us. Feel free to make contact or if you're in the area stop on down and say hi, we love to have more operators or to meet new people, or catch up with old friends. usnrne1pl@gmail.com