10/21/2017 | USS Midway MUseum Ship Special Event: Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA)
Oct 21-Oct 22, 1600Z-2300Z, NI6IW, San Diego, CA. USS Midway (CV-41) Museum Ship. 14.320 7.250 PSK31 on 14.070 D-STAR on REF001C. QSL. USS Midway CV-41 COMEDTRA, 910 N Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92101. Will be operating 1600Z to 2300Z each day
10/23/2017 | Bigfoot Radio Net - Patterson Gimlin at 50
Oct 23-Oct 28, 1700Z-1700Z, KF5THB, Honobia/Broken Bow, OK. Bigfoot Radio Net. 14.255 7.255 3.955. QSL. Brent Boydston, 103 N. Crockett, Henrietta, TX 76365. October 2017 brings the 50th anniversary of the ground-breaking/shaking Patterson–Gimlin film of Bigfoot at Bluff Creek Oregon. The week of 23-28 October will find the Bigfoot Radio Net Expeditionary Team cruising the woods of South East Oklahoma chilling out, staring into flickering camp-fires, melting s'mores, torching marshmallows and telling ghost stories. Between the tree knocks, rock toss's and bluff-charges, we'll be making radio contacts and getting Baxter, the 4 year-old nephew, onto the airwaves. As you might imagine we will be operating in spartan, field conditions and hopefully in night operations as well. That being said, only the bravest and heartiest ham operators will likely make contact with our roving band. All you can do is try, right? So stop by, say hi, and go boo! Keep updated and track our adventures and frequencies at http://www.facebook.com/groups/154008065032703 www.facebook.com/groups/154008065032703
10/27/2017 | Happy Halloween!
Oct 27-Oct 29, 0000Z-2359Z, W9H, Waukesha, WI. Westside Radio Club. 3.860 7.260 14.260 21.260. QSL. ATTN: Happy Halloween, PO Box 54, Sussex, WI 53089. Please join the WestSide Radio Club in celebrating Halloween on the airwaves! QSLs can be sent to QRZ address of KX9M before 12/01/17.
10/31/2017 | 500th Anniversary of the Reformation
Oct 31-Nov 1, 1630Z-0200Z, K7L, Sierra Vista, AZ. Immanuel Lutheran Church Chapter of the Lutheran Amateur Radio Support Network. 21.285 14.235 7.255. QSL. LARSN-ILC, 2145 South Coronado Dr., Sierra Vista, AZ 85635. To celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, the Immanuel Lutheran Church chapter of the Lutheran Amateur Radio Support Network is operating a special event station at the church's Fall Festival, 31 October 2017, 0930-1900 MST. www.ilsv.org/larsn-ilc
10/31/2017 | Halloween Howl
Oct 31, 0001Z-2359Z, K4TLH, Tallahassee, FL. Tallahassee Amateur Radio Society. 14.331 7.231 3.931. QSL. K4TLH, P.O. Box 37127, Tallahassee, FL 32315. QSL upon request. www.k4tlh.net
10/31/2017 | Martin Luther / 500 Years Reformation 1517<>2017
Oct 31, 0000Z-2359Z, OE500ML, Schalchen, AUSTRIA EUROPE. none. 18.140 14.210 3.700. QSL. Roland Barth, OE5RBO, Aepfelberg 60, Schalchen 5231, AUSTRIA EUROPE. All logged stations will receive a card via bureau with any action needed, so you do not need to send a card to get one. https://www.qrz.com/db/oe500ml
11/01/2017 | 100th Anniversary of Red Cross of Southeastern Ohio
Nov 1-Nov 16, 0000Z-0000Z, K8R, Athens, OH. Athens County Red Cross Amateur Radio Service. 21.275 14.215 7.215 3.800. QSL. Samuel J (Jeff) Slattery, 45 Carol Lane, Athens, OH 45701. SASE please. www.ac-ara.org/wordpress/k8r
11/03/2017 | Stuart Air Show
Nov 3-Nov 5, 1330Z-2200Z, N4A, Stuart, FL. Martin County ARES/RACES. 14.280 21.280. Certificate. MC ARES, PO Box 2769, Stuart, FL 34995. wx4mc.org